Ciel Amagi

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Name: Ciel Amagi


Height: 5'11"
Weight: 147.5 Ib

Appearence before merging:

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Likes: Kurumi, reading, sleeping, playing guitar, silence, anyone who's friends with Kurumi, listening to music

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Likes: Kurumi, reading, sleeping, playing guitar, silence, anyone who's friends with Kurumi, listening to music.

Dislikes: Loud noises, anyone who disrespects Kurumi, solving other's problems.

Role: Kurumi's Protector

Casual clothes:

Casual clothes:

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Astral Dress:                                               

                                                            Cherev Le Yehova

                                                            Cherev Le Yehova

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Powers:Time Manipulation: Ciel like Kurumi can manipulate time to a certain degree, he can slow, freeze, rewind and speed time, but unlike Kurumi who uses her bullets, Ciel only needs to say the ability out loud to use them, however this cost him ...

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Time Manipulation: Ciel like Kurumi can manipulate time to a certain degree, he can slow, freeze, rewind and speed time, but unlike Kurumi who uses her bullets, Ciel only needs to say the ability out loud to use them, however this cost him his life force, meaning the more he uses them, the more it costs.

      Aleph: Ciel uses this to increase his speed in battle.

      Bet: If the target is within Ciel's range, he can slow the target to stall them.

      Dalet: This ability allows Ciel to heal from physical injuries.

      Zayin: Like Bet, if the target is in Ciel's range, he can freeze them.

Clones: Like Kurumi, Ciel can create clones of himself. They can also take the form of long white arms with red outlines, restraining the target.

Devourer of Time: Unlike Kurumi's City of Devouring Time, Ciel can only expand his shadow to a certain distance, absorbing anyone who steps in it.

Shadow Manipulation: Ciel can use shadows to escape. Since their souls are merged together, Ciel and Kurumi share the same shadow layers, where they deposit and summon clones and where they absorb their victims to restore their time.

Shared Time: Merging their souls made Ciel and Kurumi share their life force. If Ciel absorbs time, a portion of his time will go to Kurumi and vice-versa. This also means if one of them runs out of time, the other will as well.

Info: Born in Kyoto, Japan, Ciel was raised by a single mother, his father died of disease when he was very young. As he grew up he always tried to help his mother in anyway he could so that she didn't overwork herself. Due to her work, Ciel stayed alone at home most of the time but he understood why, he always greeted his mother with a big smile when she returned. At school he mostly kept to himself, the reason for this was because he said, " i like to watch the world instead of being part of it", but he sometimes talked with the other students. At 16 years old, due to his talent with the guitar, Ciel got offered a scholarship to go study in the United States. At first he didn't want to leave his mother alone, but she reassured him that she woud be fine and that this was a chance that he couldn't pass, bidding his mother farewell he moved to the States. A few months before his 18th birthday, Ciel got a phone call, informing him that his mother passed away, this caused him to shut himself from the world and develop a habit of cracking his fingers and wear gothic clothes. When he turned 18, he asked if he could finish his last year of school in his home country. Moving back to Japan, Ciel was transfered to Kuoh Academy. However, what he didn't know, was that his life changed the moment he met a certain girl.

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