Chapter 27 - Family Problems

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The Neighboring World, a world that is an alternative dimension where the beings known as Spirits exist before arriving at the human world where Kurumi Tokisaki hails from. At first, the Neighboring World was inhabited by Spirits until all of them left for the real world, and girls known as Quasi-Spirits have taken up residence in their stead. Quasi-Spirits, like Spirits, were once humans who became victims of the First Spirit known as Mio Takamiya in the 3 decades she turned humans into monsters in order to purify her Sephira Crystals and once they turned into monsters, they were killed by Kurumi when she was an "ally of justice", sending them into the Neighboring World. The Neighboring World consists of ten different regions all connected by a pathway and ever since the Quasi-Spirits took residence in this alternative dimension, they have been forced to engage in constant civil war for domain and territory, leading to their world being under an infinite state of war.

Out of all the ten regions, the most dangerous and horrifying is the Thrid Region Binah because this region is ruled by none other than the White Queen, and everyone who lives in the region is under her control, making them fanatically devoted to her, and happy to die for her sake. The main attraction is the White Queen's large castle that features an armory filled with Unsigned Angels and Astral Dresses, a torture dungeon, a room where backup time is stored, various other rooms that hold her experiments, and finally a throne room and a garden within the castle.

Inside the castle's throne room which was accommodated to be an endless white space, the White Queen sat on her throne with her right leg over her left, resting her left arm on the throne's arm while she had her right hand close to her cheek, patiently waiting to hear the results on the newest assault against the dominion of the Fifth Region Gevurah. Right before she could even blink or release a sigh out of boredom from the time she has been waiting, a male with white hair in white clothes made his presence in the throne room and was walking towards the White Queen.

"Ah, my dearest Knight, I was beginning to get bored from how long you were taking." The White Queen formed a pleasant smile prompting to teasing when she noticed the state his outfit was in. "Should I be concerned about the blood staining your clothes?"

When the White Knight stopped in front of his queen, he proceeded to place his left knee on the ground and bow his head, replying to her question with a smile before giving her the outcome of the assault

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When the White Knight stopped in front of his queen, he proceeded to place his left knee on the ground and bow his head, replying to her question with a smile before giving her the outcome of the assault. "There's no need to worry, my Queen it's not mine. I am pleased to inform you that despite losing half of our army, the assault was a tremendous success, and now 15% of the fifth region is under our control."

"Half of the army was wiped out?" Despite smiling in contentment at the result, Queen didn't seem to like that part and Knight confirmed it with a nod of his head. "Seems like the disciples of the Fifth Region's dominion are more resilient than I first thought." When Knight was about to lift himself up from his bowing position, he was immediately stopped by the White Queen's stern and commanding voice. "Stay. I didn't give you permission to leave, did I?"

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