Chapter 28 - A God? More Like Puny God

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On the day after the whole ordeal with Loki, a meeting between the three factions and Odin was being currently held in a meeting room where the gathering took place in order to discuss the course of action to deal with the evil god as the seal that Ajuka used to keep him at bay would hold on for a day, now only a few hours since it was only a temporary solution. It was clear to everyone that Loki would attack again once the seal was broken so the course of action that was discussed and agreed upon was for Odin who had taken full responsibility for the situation since the enemy was a Norse God was to return to Northern Europe to retrieve Mjolnir, the hammer belonging to Thor the Norse God of Thunder to seal Loki and teleport him to Asgard.

"So you want to try to slow him down?" Sirzechs questioned his younger sister's suggestion as Rias had asked Azazel to let her see his brother so she along with her peerage could volunteer to fight Loki instead of combatants from all the different factions as it could trigger a chance for an all-out war in order to buy enough time for Odin to summon Mjolnir to the battlefield where the fight would take place.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This will be a difficult mission." Ajuka queried since he didn't possess the manpower needed to help deal with the threat and Rias determinately nodded her head, aware of the risks she was about to endure. "I'm sure."

Serafall smiled and looked at the door behind her to see it opening to reveal Sona, Tsubaki, and Sanji entering the room. "Seems like Rias-chan wasn't the only one who had the same idea of volunteering."

"Sona!" Rias blinked in surprise as the three went to stand next to the red-haired devil and Sona addressed the leaders. "Three members of the Sitri family also wish to volunteer."

"My cute baby sister wouldn't listen to reason." Serafall raised her hands in defeat as Sona fixed her glasses to compose herself from how her older sister referred her in front of the important people and then turned to Sirzechs. "Well, this problem was caused by our carelessness, and both So-tan and Rias-chan are related to the Devil King, so I guess they are the perfect people for the job."

"We also have four people ready to go." Azazel said with his hands behind his head and eyes closed, sitting on the chair in a relaxed position.

From the angels' side, Irina who was hidden in the shadows from the ceiling's supporters was one of the selected to go by Michael as he said she was going to be an important asset and the other person was Rossweisse since their enemy was an Asgardian God.

"You said four. Who are the other two?" Shemhazai, a man in his twenties with silver-white hair and purple eyes, wearing a purple beret hat, purple trench coat over a black vest, white pants, and black boots looked at Azazel in question and the leader of the fallen angels opened his eyes and offered his friend and Vice Governor-General a smirk before looking at the crimson and golden glows at the end of the room.

When everyone followed his sight and like always causing surprise for their entrances, the infamous Nightmare Duo walked out of the shadows and Kurumi greeted everyone with a gesture of lowering her head and gently pulling the skirt of her dress out to each side. "Greetings, ladies and gentlemen."

"You're not serious, are you Azazel!" Azazel couldn't help but grin at how pissed Michael became when his eyes landed on the duo as the two went to the end of the table for Kurumi to use alchemy to create a chair and sit on it with Ciel standing at her left side. "We don't need their help. Pick someone else."

Azazel glanced at Michael and then looked up, thinking before giving him his reply in a laid-back tone that only angered the Archangel even more than he already was. "Nah, I won't." 

"Who is this fine young lady?" Odin asked, stroking his beard at the new beautiful girl and Kurumi looked at him unamused from the way he was looking at her or rather, how he was fixated on her chest. "My eyes are up here and this fine young lady is already taken," She pointed at Ciel with her thumb. "by this handsome stud here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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