Chapter 20 - The Cycle

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Such a simple word and yet, it carries such heaviness in history. A consequence is an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or conclusion that was reached by a line of reasoning. Most actions and acts of nature have a consequence that follows as a result. When people do something wrong, like rob a bank, the consequence will probably be prison time or if you're a student and you didn't study for that very important test or exam, the consequence will most likely be a bad grade, to which you will have to explain why you had that grade. If you are reading this and now asking why did you just read this explanation about consequences. Well, let's ask him why.

"Ah. Hello." A figure sitting at a massive desk covered with various ornaments and having brass furniture for its drawers, and a solid wooden European-style desk clock, looked up from the book he was reading and greeted whoever it was in front of him. You could tell this figure was a male by the bottom half of his face to see a slight tuff of facial hair that was beginning to form and the long black hair with white tips that reached past his neck, despite the rest of him being hidden by the long hooded black cloak he was wearing. This male was in the middle of a spacious room with two double doors, filled with bookshelves, leather chairs, sofa, tables, and a big carpet covering the wooden floor right in the middle of the room. It has large windows with red curtains and one for skylight above, although these were all covered and the only source of light was the candelabra with red candles on the desk. The room was part of a huge library with many corridors, hung with paintings and rooms. "This is a surprise. I don't get many visits in this library of mine." The figure glanced at the book he was reading and then to who he was speaking with, pointing at it. "This? It's just a book about the story of eight friends who have to survive against wendigos on a mountain until dawn. It's something, alright." The figure closed the book and placed it on the desk. "Now where are my manners? My name is C and before anything else, no, I'm not Ciel nor White Knight. That would be strange." After introducing himself, C spun the chair he was sitting on and formed a curious smile, placing his elbows on the desk and his hands beneath his chin. "If you don't mind, I want to ask this. Why are you even here to begin with?"



"Well, I'm waiting for an answer."




"Okaaaay, this was awkward." C said with an awkward laugh and cleared his throat, dismissing the situation. "I was just kidding. Of course, I know why you are here. You want to know why you read about consequences, am I right?" A mysterious smile came to C's lips and he placed a finger in front of him. "What if I told you, that there is more to this world than what you have seen up until now. Huh, did that peak your interest? I'm sure it did." Lifting from his chair, C excused himself and went to the bookshelves, searching for the books he wanted. After a moment and a lot of books flying in the air, C returned with four massive books and placed them on the desk, creating a loud thud that echoed through the room. "Whew, they are heavy!" C placed a hand under the hood to clean the sweat from his forehead and blew the dust from the books. "As you can see, these four books tell us a story about the waves of humanity. Yeah, you heard it right. Waves of humanity. Just to point a little detail. Like Kurumi, Chiyo also came from a different dimension and she landed on the first wave. Her story, however, is for B to tell and she resides in a different library, so... yeah." Sitting back on his chair, C grabbed the first book that was titled The First Wave and placed it in front of him, opening it. "Now, make yourselves comfy and listen carefully."

By how C started to narrate, The First Wave of humanity seemed to have happened eons before the Nightmare Duo known as Kuriel came into existence. The first humanity was created by two Gods as a compromise to end their sibling rivalry and they gave humanity the ability to use magic. Mankind lived alongside their creators for ages, that was until a young woman asked the God of Light to revive her lover. Refusing her request, the woman went to the God of Darkness, pleading to him and taking care to not mention her visit to his brother. Pleased by her apparent loyalty, the God of Darkness revived her lover, only for the God of Light to intervene and kill the man to preserve balance, explaining to his brother that the woman came to him first. Enraged, the woman tried to attack the God of Light and paid the consequences by being cursed with immortality, the gods hoped she would come to understand the purpose of life and death. Instead, becoming frustrated and angry, she managed to have humanity rebel against the Gods, but it was futile as humanity was effortlessly wiped out, save for the young woman herself due to her curse. Now that the planet was nothing more than a deserted wasteland, The Gods abandoned Earth, leaving the woman as the last human alive to wander the planet.

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