Chapter Thirty-Seven: Blueberry Scones

Start from the beginning

She grabbed her belongings, and headed downstairs to the common room. As soon as she stepped inside there, all she could see was Draco. It seems everyone was gone and they were already at the train.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

"As ready as i'll ever be." she replied with a smile.

Draco and Elaine walked through the crowded hallways of the train, everyone looking for a compartment. The both of them barely managed to make it in time, and were now struggling to get through the Gryffindor section to get to the Slytherin one.

Elaine immediately spotted the trio and walked towards their compartment dragging Draco along. They all looked at Elaine with a smile and said "Elaine!! We thought you'll never make it".

"That makes two of us" Elaine said with laughter.

Draco stood by the door next to Elaine with a straight face. The trio looked at him, and Harry said "Malfoy" with a straight face.

Before Draco could make a snarky comment, Elaine leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Be nice". This relaxed Draco and he rolled his eyes. He sufficed with a simple "Potter".

At this time, the trolley came around. "Would you dears like anything?" the sweet old witch said. Ron declined although it showed he wanted something, Hermione politely declined, and Harry bought chocolate frogs for him and Ron.

"I'll have a pumping juice please" Draco said and the lady immediately handed it to him. "Do you want anything darling?" he asked her which Elaine declined too. "You sure?" Draco asked and Elaine nodded.

Draco took out a small pouch and handed Elaine about 10 gallons and payed the lady. "Oh merlin Draco i don't need this!" Elaine said. "Keep it" Draco said opening his pumpkin juice and drinking it.

Elaine rolled her eyes, and Ron made a snarky comment like, "So Draco's your sugar daddy now?". This made Elaines jaw drop, and Hermione and Harry erupted into laughter.

Draco couldn't help but spit his drink out with this. He spilled it all over the floor, and the three of them were still laughing. "Not funny Weasley" Draco said in a serious tone.

"It's a little bit funny" Elaine said which made Draco roll his eyes and pull her closer. "I'll meet you when the train stops, take care love" he said while kissing her cheek and leaving their compartment.

"Talk about extra" Ron said while Elaine sat down next to Harry.

"Oh tell me about it" Elaine said in a sarcastic tone.

During the train ride, the four discussed pretty serious topics. Like the fact they were spending christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place rather than the burrow this year due to Arthur's recent attack.

They often avoided the topic about the attack because of the severity of it, and Voldemort and what he had to do with Elaine. Elaine was aware of the attack, and comforted the Weasleys, but spun around the topic.

She had no intention of seeing her father nor running into him. She had such a deep hatred for him, she couldn't possibly talk about it.

They soon arrived after a long ride, and Elaine said goodbye to the trio and went along with Draco. They arrive to the Manor via floo and stood at the door.

Elaine had met Narcissa before, and Narcissa loved her, however she was still nervous. She felt a bit tense, but relaxed to the warmth of Draco's hand on her shoulder.

Narcissa opened the door and immediately hugged Draco. "I missed you so much my darling" she said holding onto Draco. Once she let go of him, Elaine didn't expect when a pair of arms wrapped around her. She usually expected this from Molly, but this was odd coming from Narcissa.

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