⁵.¹⁸the veil

Start from the beginning

Athena's eyes widened as she realised where they were. "We're in the Ministry's death chamber." She really didn't mean to teleport them there. She just acted on instinct and grabbed everybody before they could've died due to being squashed by many prophecies. "Oh Merlin. I'm sorry! I- didn't mean to teleport us here! I just teleported us out of there without thinking - which I probably should have - and got us out of there. Oh dear gods... There's probably an even bigger chance of all of us dying in here. I need to get us out of here before someone pushes us through that Veil-"

"Athena!" Hermione and Ginny yelled at the same time, stopping the girl from her rambling. Said girl stopped, looking up to them.

"It's alright, we understand what you mean." Hermione stated. Athena nodded, but that didn't make her feel any less uneasy. She then looked behind the two girls - Harry was walking towards the Veil.

"Harry don't go near that arch-"

"Can you hear the voices?" He asked, interrupting her.

"Yes but don't go near it-"

"What are they saying?" Harry didn't listen, walking closer to the Veil.

"I don't know, I can't hear them right but please don't go near it-"

"What voices?" Hermione then interrupted her. Athena looked at Hermione in a panicked state, as if saying "What?! Not you too!".

"Can you not hear them?"

"I can hear them." Luna stated, looking up at the Veil.

Athena became even more panicked, holding onto the girl's wrist. "Don't get close to it. We have to get out of here."

"She's right. We have to get out of here." Hermione repeated. But the boy wasn't listening. "Please Harry."

Then the hasty sounds could be heard earning the attention of the fifth and fourth years. "Now we really should leave. That could be Death Eaters."

"Get behind me!" Harry yelled out instantly, putting his wand up to the source of the sound. All of them went behind the boy, putting their wands up as well.

Thick, black, wisps of smoke came to them, distracting each of them. Athena felt herself being taken away, her throat being closed together, then when the black smoke exited her vision, she felt a sharp-ish object being pointed towards her neck. Well fuck, I'm a bloody hostage now.

Her body ached in agony as the death eater behind her gripped her hair tight, poking their wand deeply to her neck. She could see Lucius make his way up the rock hill, where Harry had gotten up. Athena tried to remove herself off of the death eater, but it only resulted with her hair being pulled tighter and the wand going deeper. The wand even had a sharp tip, causing it to draw blood from the girl's neck.

"Did you actually believe..." Lucius chuckled bitterly, "...or were you truly naïve enough to think..." he walked closer to Harry, his cane guiding him, "that children stood against us?"

Harry didn't respond, but Athena's snarky voice did. "I mean you guys looked pretty rough- roughed up, don't you think?"

"Shut it!" The death eater holding her yelled.

Lucius ignored her, walking in front of Harry. He held his hand out. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me... the prophecy now, or watch your friends die."

Harry looked towards his friends seeing the pained expression that filled their faces as they had wands up against their throats.

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Nevill yelled out bravely, causing Bellatrix, who had her wand pointed at his throat, to pull his head back and point her wand closer.

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