"We don't know that." He says feeling there was no other answer but him.

"Scott, trust me. I've been right about everything since we got closer." She places her hand on his shoulder before walking off.

"Huh, she totally ignored me. I apologized." Stiles huffs annoyed.


Lydia said I had to sit with her, Allison, Jackson, and Danny at lunch for some odd reason. It was very rare whenever she told me to sit with her since she doesn't like sitting with me. "Figure what out?" She asks, taking a seat at Scott's and Stiles' table. I just stand there not wanting to sit down next to Stiles. "Sit." She points next to Stiles as Danny takes the right side. I sigh taking the seat making Stiles look at me but I ignore him.

"I apologized, what more do you want?" He whispers to me.

"So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar" Danny starts a new topic.

"I heard mountain lion." Jackson says being his dumb self.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia says then adds, isn't it, to play dumb.

"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson says making me roll my eyes because he's such a dick.

"Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out." Stiles shows them a video then they change the topic to what the couples are doing tomorrow night.

After eating I walk someway behind the guys. "Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asks.

"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now... Now I'm gonna be late for work." Scott rambles leaving Stiles alone.

"Wait, Scott, you didn't... Am I attractive to a gay guy... You didn't answer my question." Stiles sighs, turning around and bumping into me.

"You might be... Depends on if the guy finds you attractive." I laugh at him. "Knowing Danny though... you're not his type." He rolls his eyes.

"So now you talk to me?" He asks.

"I shouldn't because you didn't apologize."

His jaw drops, "I did too!" I shake my head at him.

"Nope, you said I should... Not I wanna or I'm sorry." I turn around and walk away and he follows me. "I'm sorry Julia. You were right about Derek and his sister. Scott and I probably need you around now... You seem to be more right than us."

I stop walking to face him with a smile, "So am I in now?" I rock on my heels.

"Yes." He nods his head.

"Great, now I officially have two friends."

He tilts his head, "Officially? What does that mean?" He asks.

"You and Scott are basically my only friends at the moment. I don't have anyone I talk to a lot or outside of classes and school." I explain to him as we walk out of the school.

"You really don't have friends?" He stops me from walking.

"Yeah, why do you think Lydia doesn't like me and everyone calls me odd. I gotta get home." I start to walk off.

"You're not walking. Get in my jeep, stupid." He laughs making me smile with my back facing him.

"Okay, Idiot!" I rushed over to his jeep.


"Did Scott tell you yet?" Stiles runs up to me.

"Since I don't know what you are talking about... No." I say closing my locker.

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