Oh Shit! (Hizzie and Posie)

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Hope and Penelope prank their girlfriends. Lizzie and Josie are not pleased. Tw: slight cursing

Penelope and Hope are chilling by the lake when Lizzie and Josie come storming up to both of them.

"Penelope Park!" Josie growls.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson!" Lizzie yells.

"Oh shit. What did we do?" Hope whispers to Penelope.

"We put spiders in their shower, idiot," Penelope tells her best friend.

"Right!," Hope nods, recalling the prank.

"You two are in our bad books! No sex, no kisses, and no cuddles until you make it up to us!" Lizzie tells the pair.

The twins storm off, leaving Penelope and Hope wincing. They didn't mean to upset their girls. They got bored and wanted to pull a harmless prank, so they did. Now, they know they have to make it up to them.

"We're toast, dude," Hope groans, flopping dramatically onto her best friend.

"No, we aren't. We just need to do something big that'll make them forgive us. Now get off me so we can go into town and have you compel a ton of free shit for a date night with our girls (A/N: Hope is a full tribrid in this one)," Penelope replies.

Hope groans, but rolls off Penelope. They head to Dr. Saltzman's office to get the car keys. He's reluctant at first, but once they tell him they need supplies to plan a date for his daughters, he gives in and tosses them the keys, telling the auburn haired girl to not compel more than 100 dollars worth of stuff.

"You forgot the part about why we need to plan a giant date," Hope whispers as they are leaving.

"Shut up, Mikaelson," Penelope quips.

The pair hop into the car and drive into town. It's a Wednesday afternoon, so there aren't too many people milling about.

"So we thinking decorating the old mill again or..." Penelope asks.

"We already did that. If we do that again, it'll piss them off more. I was thinking more along the lines of cooking all their favorite foods and getting three of those bears that let you record a message to put in them," Hope replies.

"Genius. See, this is why I keep you around," the raven haired witch laughs.

"Rude," Hope scoffs as she parks the car.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go," Penelope replies.

The pair get out of the car and head into the mall. They get everything they need. It only takes a few hours, so they make it back to the school in time to set everything up before dinner.


"Where are we going? If there are more spiders, I'm so breaking up with you," Lizzie pouts as  Hope leads her to her room, Penelope also leading Josie.

"Trust me, baby. No spiders. I promise," Penelope tells Josie.

"Can we open our eyes yet?" Josie asks as Hope opens the door to the twin's room.

"Go for it," Penelope replies.

The twins open their eyes and gasp. The two polka dot tote bags are sitting on the beds. There are streamers all over with hearts on them. A giant sign reads "We love you. Sorry for the spiders."

"How did you do all this?" Josie asks, amazed.

"Convinced your dad to let us go into town for it all. We are really sorry about the spiders," Hope explains.

"Forgive us?" Penelope questions.

"You're forgiven, but only if you promise no more pranks. Prank each other, not your girlfriends," Lizzie replies, pecking the tribrid's check.

"Okay. Pen, prepare yourself for a prank war," Hope agrees.

"You're on, Mikaelson," Penelope smirks.

"What's in the bags, Penny?" Josie asks curiously.

"Sit down and find out, Jojo," Penelope replies, smiling at the brunette.

Josie sits on her bed, Penelope joining her.  Hope and Lizzie sitting on Lizzie's.

"They have the first letter of your names on them. Open them at once," Hope instructs.

Penelope takes a seat next to Josie just as the twins open their bags, revealing teddy bears. Josie's is yellow with white paws while Lizzie's is blue with pink paws.

"You didn't!" Josie squeals, hugging the plushy to her chest.

"We did. Squeeze the paws," Penelope replies.

The girls do as the witch says, and each plays a different message.

Lizzie's bear plays: Hi baby. I'm sorry about the spiders. Never again, I promise. I love you, Liz! 

Josie's plays: Jojo, sorry about the spiders. You gotta admit it was kinda funny! No more pranks on you or Lizzie, though! I love you, Josie.

"This is the cheesiest thing you've ever done, Hopey, but I love it, and I love you," Lizzie smiles, kissing the tribrid briefly.

"You're such a hopeless romantic, but you're forgiven," Josie agrees, kissing Penelope as well.

They settle into a large cuddle pile on Lizzie's bed. Hope holds Lizzie close to her while Penelope does the same with Josie. Of course, the bears have joined the cuddle pile. When the twins aren't looking, too distracted by the cute bears, Hope and Penelope fist bump. They got themselves out of their girls' bad books and made them smile, which is always a huge win. Now, though, Penelope thinks, I better prepare for an epic prank war. 

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