You Died In My Arms (Hizzie)

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Hope has an nightmare that Lizzie gets hurt and dies in her arms. The next day, she refuses to talk about it until she breaks down in Lizzie's arms.

A/N still taking requests! Please comment some!

Hope thrashes about violently in her bed. The covers have long since been kicked off. She is having a nightmare, the worst one she has had in a while:

The monster slashes Lizzie across the stomach. It grabs her and throws her. She hits a tree and falls down to the ground with a huge thud.

"Lizzie!" Hope screams.

Hope quickly spells the monster dead and rushes to Lizzie's side. She pulls Lizzie into her arms and tries to make her drink her blood, but the blonde is too far gone. Hope watches as she takes her final breathe in her arms. Lizzie is dead, and Hope is all alone.

Hope gasps and sits bolt upright. She immediately reaches out for Lizzie, but finds the spot the blonde usually occupies empty. The tribrid recalls that the siphoner slept in her own room tonight. That knowledge calms her, but she still has trouble falling back asleep, the nightmare having shaken her up greatly.


"Hi babe," Lizzie greets, kissing the auburn haired girl's head.

She slides into the empty spot besides Hope at the breakfast table. Hope forces a smile, but Lizzie can tell it is forced. She knows Hope's real smile, and this is not it.

"What's wrong, Hope?" Lizzie questions.

"Nothing. I'm fine," Hope replies.

"You are not fine. I know you, and can tell when you're not okay," Lizzie says, reaching out to squeeze Hope's hand.

"I said I'm fine. Just drop it, Lizzie!" Hope snaps.

Lizzie frowns, but drops it. She knows not to push Hope. When the tribrid wants to talk, she will talk. Until then, Lizzie just has to wait, which is much easier said than done.


Hope can't concentrate all day. Her mind is filled with the scene from her nightmare of Lizzie dying in her arms. She feels bad for snapping at the blonde, but doesn't want to be a burden. It's just a nightmare, Hope thinks to herself, I should be able to get over it on my own.

By the end of the day, however, she is close to tears. The image of her lover, dead in her arms, haunts her and is just too much to handle. Even if it as just a bad dream, she fears one day it may come true. She loves Lizzie with her entire being, and can't loose her.

She decides to skip dinner and head to her room. Sitting on her bed, she kicks off her shoes and tries not to cry. The door soon creeks open, following a soft knock. Lizzie comes into the room. She noticed Hope wasn't at dinner, and came looking for her girlfriend. Hope wipes at her eyes, fighting her tears and turns to face Lizzie.

"Oh Hopey. Come here," Lizzie sighs.

The blonde sits on the bed, and wraps Hope in her arms. Safe in her lover's warm embrace, Hope allows herself to break down. She clings to Lizzie, sobbing hysterically. Lizzie holds her, and just lets her cry. She knows Hope will tell her what's wrong when she is finished. After what seems like an eternity to Lizzie, the tribrid's sobs turn to sniffles.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Lizzie asks softly.

"I had a nightmare last night. A monster killed you and I wasn't fast enough. You died in my arms," Hope says, snuggling closer to the blonde.

"Oh Hope. I'm right here. I'm alive," Lizzie promises.

"You died," Hope whimpers.

"It was a bad dream. I love you way too much to ever leave you," Lizzie assures the auburn haired girl.

Lizzie has an idea then. She lays down on the bed, pulling Hope down with her. The blonde guides the tribrid's head so it rests on her chest, right above her heart. Hope listens to Lizzie's heart beat, and it calms her. The sound assures her that Lizzie is indeed alive and well.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you," Hope whispers.

"I know. I forgive you, Hope. Now try to get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up," Lizzie swears, kissing Hope's head.

Hope nods, and drifts off to sleep. Lizzie watches her sleep for a while before pulling the blankets over them. The blonde falls asleep soon after, Hope safe and sound in her arms. She vows to herself that she will always be there for the tribrid, no matter what, because that's what you do for the person you love, and Lizzie loves Hope, forever and always.

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