Baby Hope Part 1 (Hizzie)

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Hope gets turned into a baby and Lizzie has to care for her.

Lizzie heads into her father's office. She finds him with his back towards the door, rocking back and fourth, something in his arms.

"You called for me, dad?" She asks.

Alaric turns around, and Lizzie gasps. A blue wide eyed baby with traces of auburn hair is in her father's arms, tears streaming down her chubby cheeks. Lizzie recalls the photo she has on her desk of Hope as a baby that Hope's Aunt Freya gave her. The child in her father's arms looks just like baby Hope.

"Hi Liz. There was an incident with a spell and well, your girlfriend got turned into a baby," Alaric sighs, bouncing the baby who begins to cry harder, reaching for Lizzie.

Lizzie takes Hope into her arms and she calms immediately, her little fist gripping the blonde's shirt.

"How long is she going to be like this?" Lizzie asks, rocking the small child gently.

"Until the spell wears off, so about a week," Alaric explains, "I can have Emma care for her or ask your mother if she would do it,"

"No. Thanks daddy, but she's my girlfriend. I'mm take care of her and I'm sure Josie and Penelope will help. Josie loves babies," Lizzie replies.

"Alright. I'll run to the local store for baby supplies," Alaric says, grabbing his car keys.

"Thanks, dad," Lizzie says.

"Of course," Alaric replies, ruffling the baby's auburn locks before leaving.

"You're pretty cute, huh baby?" Lizzie coos at Hope, who smiles around her fist at the blonde, drool dripping down her chin, "Let's take you to my room,"

Hope offers no signs of protest, so Lizzie carries her to her room. She opens the door and finds Josie there, reading a book.

"Hey Jo. I brought you something, or should I say, someone," Lizzie says, placing baby Hope down on the floor.

"Who?" She asks, looking up.

Hope crawls to her clumsily and reaches her little hands up.

"Look down," Lizzie smirks.

Josie looks down and gasps.

"Is that Hope?" She asks, taking in the auburn haired baby who resembles her best friend.

"There was an incident," Her sister informs her.

The baby starts to whimper, continuing to reach for Josie, fat tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, shh. I'm sorry. I was in shock, Hope. It's okay," Josie says, scooping her up and rubbing the baby's back soothingly.

Hope continues to howl, clinging to Josie's shirt.

"I think she's hungry. She skipped lunch today. Dad went to get some supplies," Lizzie says.

Just then, Penelope comes in the room, carrying several bags of baby supplies.

"Delivery for baby Mikaelson. I expect a tip," she jokes, setting the bags down to take the sobbing baby from her girlfriend and rocking Hope in her arms.

"I'll prepare her a bottle," Josie says, searching through the bags.

She finds several bottles and grabs one along with some formula and heads to the kitchen.

Lizzie finds some pacifiers in the other bag and opens one, handing the blue and green pacifier to Penelope. The witch offers it to Hope, who refuses it a first, but eventually takes it, sucking on it lightly, her hands gripping onto Penelope's shirt.

"I'll unpack everything since you're the only thing keeping Hope from screaming bloody murder," Josie tells her girlfriend, who nods.

Josie begins unpacking the baby items. Baby clothes, bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, etc. She starts to set up the pack and play, which will serve as a crib, when Lizzie comes in with the bottle just in time, as Hope has started to fuss in Penelope's arms again.

"Here. I got her," Lizzie says, taking the fussy baby from the witch.

As Lizzie sits on the bed and feeds her, Penelope helps Josie organize the supplies. By the time Hope is fed and burped, everything is set up. Josie has packed a bag as they have agreed it makes the most sense for her to stay with Penelope for the time being. They bid goodbye and leave, leaving Lizzie alone with Hope for the first time.

"Let's get you changed, and then we can go grab me some food," Lizzie tells the baby, who simply coos at her.

Lizzie lays baby Hope down on the bed. She grabs a diaper and a light blue footie onesie with ducks on it. She removes the overly sized shirt Hope is wrapped in and puts the diaper on her as well as the onsie. Popping the pacifier back into her mouth, Lizzie picks the auburn haired baby up. She carries her to the dinning hall, which is fairly empty aside from Landon and Rafael, as it is rather late for dinner.

"Hey Lizzie. Who's the kid?" Rafael greets as she approaches.

"Uh, this is actually Hope. A spell went wrong and now she's stuck like this for a week," Lizzie explains.

"Huh. Need us to hold her so you can get some food?" Landon offers.

"Sure. Here," Lizzie says, not loving the fact that Hope's ex, who Hope doesn't have the best relationship with, is the one to hold her, but having no choice.

She hands Hope to Landon. Hope stares at him curiously and Lizzie goes to fetch herself some dinner, which consists of barbecued chicken and some rice. By the time she returns and sets her tray down, Hope is tugging on Landon's curls gleefully while Rafael watches, amused at the sight.

"Ouch. Hope, stop," Landon scolds, but is of no avail as Hope continues to tug roughly.

"That's definitely Hope. Man, even in baby form she hates you," Rafael laughs.

"I got her," Lizzie says, trying not to smile at the sight.

Landon passes the baby to Lizzie, who places Hope on her lap. Hope doesn't cause Lizzie any trouble, and just sits there, sucking her pacifier as Lizzie eats. Landon and Rafael bid the pair goodbye before leaving. Once finished, Lizzie clears her plate with one hand, holding Hope on her hip with the other. The blonde heads back to her room.

"Time for bed, Hope," Lizzie coos.

She lays Hope in the pack and play. Luckily, Hope goes right to sleep without much fussing. Lizzie sits on the bed and sighs. This is going to be a long week.

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