Captain Softie (Maya and Carina)

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Carina falls asleep in Maya's arms during a movie night with Andy and Vic. The two tease her about how soft she is for the Italian doctor when they notice Maya staring down at Carina with some serious heart eyes. 

Maya has invited Vic and And over for a pajama movie night with her and Carina. The snacks are all placed into bowls, pop corn popped, and several movies chosen. Now, all they have to do is wait for Andy and Vic to arrive. Maya is just finishing changing into a pair of grey sweats and a hoodie when the door bell rings.

"Carina! Can you get that, please," Maya calls out to her girlfriend.

"Si!" Carina replies, already heading towards the door. 

She opens it to reveal Andy and Vic, who smile warmly at the Italian. Both firefighters love the brunette and quickly befriended her once she and Maya started dating. They are happy for the couple, and the entire Station 19 crew has been making bets on when they will get engaged. 

"Hey Carina!" Vic greets.

"Ciao! Come on in. Maya's getting changed, but will be out soon," Carine replies, ushering the pair into the house. 

Andy and Vic sit down on the beanbag chairs Maya recently bought for hangouts. Carina sits on the sofa, and waits for Maya. The firefighter captain comes into the living room. The hoodie she ended up wearing is Carina's .

"Aye, Cap. That's Carina's, isn't it?" Andy teases.

"Shut up and pick a movie,  Herrera," Maya replies, taking a seat besides Carina.

Carina smiles as Maya wraps an arm around her. The Italian snuggles into her side, resting her head on the fire Captain's shoulder. Andy selects The Breakfast Club and slides the DVD into the DVD Player (A/N: Fight me I have DVD collection). They all relax as the movie begins to play, digging into the various snacks.

Carina feeds Maya the snacks, which makes her heart soar with love for the Italian women. Andy and Vic catch each other's eye and try not to laugh. Their tough, badass fire captain is really a total softie when it comes to Carina. This is going to make for some excellent blackmail, Andy thinks to herself. 

As the movie continues to play, Carina's eyelids begin to grow heavy. It was a long day today, as it seemed like every baby wanted to be born. This led to a lot of running back and forth and deliveries. Thus, the Italian is exhausted. 

Soon, she looses her battle to stay awake and falls asleep, her head resting on Maya's shoulder. Maya smiles and kisses Carina's head, covering her with a blanket. Movie forgotten, the fire captain gazes down lovingly at the Italian with some serious heart eyes. Of course, Andy and Vic notice this. They smirk at each other, and begin teasing their friend and captain.

"Hey Maya. Those are some serious heart eyes you got there," Andy says teasingly.

"Shush. You'll wake Carina," Maya replies, glaring at her friend.

"Who knew badass Captain Bishop is such a softie," Vic chuckles.

"Shut it, Hughes," Maya quips.

"Okay, we'll be quiet, but I have a serious question," Andy states.

"What is it?" Maya asks.

"Can we call you Captain Softie?" Andy laughs.

Maya throws a pillow at Andy, who ducks. They settle back in for the end of the movie. After the movie ends, Andy and Vic see themselves out, bidding Maya goodnight. 

Maya turns the TV off, and carries Carina to bed. The Italian mumbles something as Maya lays her down in their bed, but remains asleep. The fire captain quickly brushes her teeth before climbing into bed with Carina. She wraps her arms around the Italian, who snuggles into her chest. Maya kisses her head, and gazes down lovingly at her girlfriend. Yes, she is soft for Carina, but she wouldn't change it for the world. The nickname "Captain Softie" does fit, but I will never admit it, she thinks to herself, and with that thought, she drifts off to sleep, a smile on her face. 

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