I Screwed Up, But I Love You (Max and Sophie)

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Now a freshman at college, Sophie realizes she screwed up with Max and comes back to Wellsbury, hoping that Max will take her back.

Sophie takes a deep breathe before knocking on the door to an all too familiar house. She's back in Wellsbury on break, and all she wants to do is get Max back. She knows she screwed up leaving Max, and just hopes it isn't too late to get her back. After what seems like an eternity to Sophie, the door flies open to reveal Ellen, who does not look to thrilled to see the girl who broke her daughter's heart standing at her front door. 

"Sophie. May I ask what you're doing here?" Ellen asks guardedly. 

"Hi Mrs. Baker. I know I'm probably the last person you want to see standing at your door, but I need to talk to Max. I really messed up by breaking up with her. I'm here to ask her to take me back. I love you daughter, and if she sees me and wants nothing to do with me, but on the slight chance that she will let me in again, then I have to try," Sophie begs.

"Okay. Fine, but if she tells you to leave, you leave. She's in her room," Ellen sighs, knowing if she sends Sophie away and Max finds out, her daughter will never forgive her.

"Deal," Sophie agrees.

Ellen steps aside and lets Sophie into the house. Sophie kicks off her shoes and heads upstairs, heart pounding in her chest. She knocks on the door to Max's room, and waits. It swings open to reveal Max, who looks at beautiful as ever.

"Sophie. What the hell are you doing here?" Max asks, surprised.

"I.. I miss you, Max. Can we please talk?" Sophie replies, wringing her hands nervously.

Her heart aches at the sigh of her ex. Max has bags under her eyes and looks like she hasn't slept well in months.

"Fine. You get ten minutes," Max sighs after a long pause.

Max and Sophie sit on Max's bed. Sophie takes both of Max's hands in hers and looks deep into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I screwed up, Max. I screwed up, but I love you. I love you so much. I was scared, so I ran. You're all I ever think about. I know I broke your heart, and for that I will never forgive myself, but please, take me back," Sophie begs.

"You left me. You took my virginity and broke up with me not even a week later," Max says angrily, tears threatening to fall down her checks. 

"I know, baby, I know. I'm so sorry. Please, give me one more chance. I love you, Maxine Baker. Please give us another try," Sophie pleads, cautiously reaching up to wipe Max's tears away.

Max lets Sophie wipe away her tears, relishing in the feeling of Sophie's touch. She's missed the older girl more than she lets on to her friends, but is scared of being hurt again. What the hell, she thinks, what's one more chance?

"Do you promise to never, ever hurt me like that again?" Max asks, looking into Sophie's eyes.

"I promise. I love you, Max, and I will tell you that every single day if you'll have me again," Sophie replies.

"Okay. One. You get one chance. Now kiss me," Max agrees.

Sophie smiles widely, and cups Max's face in her hands. She kisses her so softly, so tenderly, as if afraid the girl will break. They break apart and rest their foreheads together. 

"I love you, too. You must cuddle me now for me to completely forgive you," Max demands.

Sophie laughs, but lays down and opens her arms. Max snuggles into her chest, gripping her sweater as if she is afraid if she lets go, Sophie will be gone. Sophie kisses her head and smiles as Max's soft snores begin to fill the room. She pulls a blanket over Max and watches her sleep, promising to herself that she will never ever let this girl go again.

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