Injury (Wayhaught)

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Nicole gets hurt on the job and Waverly takes care of her. TW: light blood and light mentions of violence

"Baby girl, there's been an incident," Wynonna says as Waverly picks up the phone.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Waverly asks worriedly.

"I'm fine. Nicole's not though. A drunk man decided to fist fight her. She's pretty banged up," Wynonna explains.

"Where is she?" Waverly replies, already grabbing her keys and slipping on her shoes and coat.

"The station," Wynonna answers.

"On my way," Waverly says, hanging up her cell phone.

She hops into her truck, and drives as fast as it is legally premised to the station, her heart pounding her her chest, mind filled with the worst case scenario. She can't loose her fiance, she just can't. Nicole is the love of her life.


Parking the truck, Waverly rushes into the station. She finds Nicole on the couch. The redhead is sporting a nasty black eye as well as a cut on her forehead. Her knuckles are bloody and raw from fighting back.

"Baby, what happened? Who did this?" Waverly asks, kneeling in from of the other woman.

"Some drunk guy. He's sitting in the cell now and has been charged with assaulting an officer," Nicole explains.

"Okay, good. Jeremy, please grab me the first aid kit," Waverly nods.

"Sure, Waves," Jeremy agrees, grabbing the first aid kit from where it is kept above the sink and holding it out for the half-angel to take.

Waverly takes it and opens it, laying it on the floor for easy access. She grabs one of those disposable ice packs and hits it on the floor several times to activate it. The brunette hands it to Nicole, who holds it to her eye.

Grabbing a bandage and disinfectant, Waverly stands. She begins disinfecting the gash on Nicole's forehead, causing Nicole to wince from the burning of the disinfectant.

"Sorry, Nic," Waverly apologizes, placing the bandage over the cut and kissing it lightly.

The half-angle kneels again and takes Nicole's free hand in hers. She gently layers some disinfectant cream on it before wrapping it in gauze strips. The brunette motions for Nicole's other hand, so the redhead switches the hand that is holding the ice pack to her eye and allows Waverly to wrap the other hand.

"There. All patched up," Waverly announces, pecking Nicole's lips.

"Thanks, baby," Nicole smiles.

"How about we get you home, yeah? I'll make you that vegan bean soup you love so much and we can watch some Netflix," Waverly suggests, helping her fiance to her feet.

"Sounds amazing," Nicole smiles.

And that is just what they do. Waverly watches, her brown eyes full of love, as Nicole drifts off in her arms, all Netflixed out, belly full of bean soup. Kissing Nicole's head, the half-angel snuggles up to Nicole and drifts off as well, thanking her lucky stars for the red haired women sleeping beside her.

GirlxGirl Fandom One Shots Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora