Chapter 35

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Kakashi's POV:

I stopped writing on the scroll when I noticed Sakuto's heavier body fall onto my arm. I looked down from the desk to him, seeing how he had fallen asleep on me. I smiled and held him better with my other arm so I could keep filling this pile of documents that seemed to have no end. There was a knock on the door and I told the person to come in.

"Lord 6th" Shikamaru said when he came in, and talked lower when he saw my son sleeping.

"I told you, there's no need for the honorifics" I smiled, still not used to them. Sakuto tossed a little in his sleep but he soon cuddled against me more and kept sleeping.

"Eh, right, sorry. These just came in, and remember you have the meeting in three hours" he reminded me, making me sigh.

"Thanks, Shikamaru" I said, and he left, closing the door behind him.

I knew being Hokage wouldn't have been easy, but damn I didn't imagine there'd be so much paperwork. And it was even more awful now that (Y/n) wasn't around. Obviously, because I missed her, but mostly because Sakuto missed her too. He didn't understand that I was the Hokage yet, so he didn't understand anything that happened related to that, starting with the ceremony.

You know how every time there's a new Hokage there's a big festival. The previous Hokage will greet the new one and the new one will say a couple of words. Well, it didn't go exactly as planned. (Y/n) and Sakuto were out of the scene, obviously, but Sakuto didn't seem to get why everyone was with me except for him, so he ended up acting up until I held him. In the end, I had to carry him around all day, and I had to repeat him a couple of times not to mess with the hat.

Now he had gotten used to the outfit, especially because I didn't always wear the typical outfit, but he still didn't understand that what I did was important. Normally he'd stay with (Y/n), but I had to send her out on a mission so that was out of the question. In that situation, he'd stay with Kurenai and Mirai, or even Iruka. But both of them were also busy, which led us to now.

I sighed again and dried the drool that was falling from Sakuto's mouth. I smiled 'At least he looks comfortable' I said in my mind as I also thought about how he was behaving better as he grew older. Like he used to cry all day when (Y/n) was out on a mission, but now he seemed to understand that she'd come back and wouldn't throw a tantrum. But there was something that he still did no matter if he had 1 year or 2.

We had moved to the Hokage's residence which was perfect because it had a room for Sakuto

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

We had moved to the Hokage's residence which was perfect because it had a room for Sakuto. It was big, had a bed for him, and some storage for his toys, books, or whatever he liked as he grew older. But it was just simply impossible to make him sleep in his room.

I always had to lay down in his bed with him, read him a tale or something. But when he fell asleep, as soon as I stood up from his bed he'd wake up and make me stay again. I always asked him about it, if he was scared of something. But he never answered, he just cuddled with me. I have the feeling it was just that (Y/n) had spoilt him a little, and that's why he didn't know how to be alone.

Time went by but the amount of paperwork I still had to do was the same. A never-ending number of papers to read, fill or revise. I felt something stir in my arms, and I looked down at Sakuto who was starting to wake up from his nap. I held him a little better and changed him to my other leg as I kept revising the work.

"Mmh" Sakuto groaned a little, but I ignored him and kept working "MMH" he groaned louder. Was he mad that he had woken up? (Y/n) surely got in a bad mood if she was woken up, it wouldn't be a surprise if he took after her. Or maybe he was hungry? "Daddyyy!" he finally called me.

"What is it?" I said without taking my eyes off the papers.

"I'm bored" he said. It was nice because Sakuto was now able to talk some more, and that meant communicating with us. It led to very funny situations like when he invented words. But it also meant him discovering the art of complaining "I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored" he repeated distracting himself, making me sigh "I want go home"

"I want that too, Sakuto, but I've got work to do" I explained to him.

"Mh" he muttered as an answer "I help you" he said putting his little hands over the desk. I smiled gently at his action and his cute hands.

"Are you sure? It's a very difficult task made for adults. You think you can handle it?" I asked him with a smile under my mask.

He looked from the papers to me with his big dark eyes and nodded, making me smile at how handsome my son was. He quickly jumped down from me, steadying himself as it still hadn't been that much since he learned how to walk without any help. I thought for a while.

"You think you can take this to Shikamaru?" I asked him as I handed him a folder of papers that I had made some notes in. Sakuto nodded in determination "He is in the room to the right" I explained to him "Do you know what right is?"

"Yes!" he said holding his right arm over his head "Right"

I ruffled his hair and gave him the folder.

"Don't take long okay?" I said as I saw him walk out of the office with the folder that was as big as half of his body. 

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