Chapter 21

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Kakashi's POV:

My heartbeat raced almost as fast as my legs. I was finally coming home.

Okay, it hadn't been that much time, not even two weeks. But a week in a pregnancy is an awful lot. And I couldn't shrug off the worry of something happening to (Y/n). She was 7 months pregnant already, so no matter how skilled of a ninja she was if something (even if insignificant) happened to her...

I breathed in heavily and pushed those thoughts aside as I walked into Tsunade's office, realizing how early in the morning was by Lady Tsunade's bothered face and the plate with coffee mugs next to her desk.

As soon as she greeted me I reported how my short mission had been going until someone else took the mission over.

"Good" Tsunade said. I took that as being dismissed and bowed, ready to leave. However "Wait" she held me back. I turned around, a little bit confused or rather curious as to why she was holding me up further from seeing my beautiful wife whom I had missed so much. I waited for her to talk but she let out a long breath, something that made me more impatient "There's something you need to know" she said, keeping a mystery I didn't want.

"What is it?" I rushed her.

"The other day, while you were away, some Anbu were ambushed in Suna" She started, but as I wasn't sure how that concerned me I arched a brow signaling her to keep going "The group of Anbu took some casualties" I looked at her, still not understanding "These men that ambushed them wanted to know if the rumors of the White Fang's son, Kakashi of the Sharingan, having an inheritor to the Hatake clan were true"

Tsunade hadn't said anything too directly, but my mind understood it completely. My chest tightened in worry.

"Luckily, these people weren't exactly ninja so the Anbu that were left managed to kill some of them. Some others died, but they took one for interrogation" she explained further "However, they died in interrogation without saying a word..."

That angered me. Interrogation is supposed to take information out, they shouldn't be held by sadists who love to injure pain. But I couldn't say that to Lady Tsunade, so instead, I just tightened my jaw angrily.

"This means they are going after my son?" I asked to make sure, trying that my anger wouldn't take the best of me.

"It looks like it" she said. My vision blurred for a moment before I focused it around the room.

I suddenly felt a wave of heat overwhelming my body. How dared Tsunade send me away from my wife at a time like this? When there was this danger lurking in the shadows? I wanted to yell and lash out to her so badly. But I had to keep it.

"Nomura" Tsunade said, and suddenly an Anbu appeared out of nowhere "I've assigned Nomura to watch over (Y/n) and protect her until we know what exactly do they want"

I looked at the said Anbu. He was young, maybe 24. He had a cat-like-shaped mask and short brown hair. He wasn't too strong, nor too slim. He was quite average.

"You want to know what they want? They are from Suna, and they mentioned the White Fang. They fucking want revenge. And you think this scrawny Anbu will be able to protect her?" I finally said, mad, as I inspected the bowing Anbu from up close "Do you know who should protect my wife? Me, but where was I?"

Tsunade sighed, probably understanding why I was mad and worried.

"Then how lucky of us that nothing happened while you were gone" Tsunade said, which only made me angrier "Right now this is all we'll do. I thought it'd be better not to tell (Y/n), taking into account how far due she is right now, the stress could be very bad to her and your son"

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