Chapter 22

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Really short, sorry about that

3rd person's POV:

Kakashi and (Y/n) were currently leaving the hospital for one of the last pregnancy checkings. Both of them looked bewildered, in their own mind, as they repeated the doctor's information from today's visit. By now, little Sakuto was already 40cm (16in), and even though he was still a month due, many babies had been born with his height, weight, and time.

(Y/n) was worried because she couldn't stop thinking about how huge 40 cm were. She couldn't imagine a 40cm being, a literal big baby inside of her, even if she felt Sakuto almost constantly. Let alone imagine how she was supposed to give birth to something that big. Not to talk about the incredibly big womb. She wasn't going to stay fat forever right?

On the other side, there was Kakashi, who was worrying even more than (Y/n). Besides the same thoughts (Y/n) had, about how a baby that big would leave from his lovely wife, he was also scared of something wrong happening during labor. He was terrified because now it wasn't only (Y/n)'s life he could lose, but also Sakuto's. He wasn't born yet, but he had a slight connection with him already by how he'd feel him in (Y/n)'s belly. How he'd react to his voice. He loved him to death already.

And on top of that, he also had the added worry of the people going after Sakuto and thus (Y/n). For now, they hadn't tried anything, and the Anbu or ninja sent to Suna hadn't had any other encounter like that one. But Kakashi knew that it was highly unlikely that whoever these people that sought revenge on his father were, they would give up so easily. Especially since they had tried to fight Konoha's Anbu members.

And then, there was also the constant worry Kakashi had of (Y/n) discovering or her just worrying about the pregnancy, about her looks, about anything. He just wanted to see her happy.

He had been so attentive to her during the whole pregnancy. And when I say whole, I mean whole. Kakashi did everything that was written in those books he bought when he first knew. He was even more aware of what to do and how to take care of (Y/n) than the girl herself. In fact, she had been more care-free than him. She did what she felt like, and worried extremely whenever something happened that she wasn't used to. But then Kakashi knew what things were normal or not, and how to comfort her, thanks to those books he had read.

In fact, during these last three months of the pregnancy, when the hormones were making her probably be the horniest she had ever been in a long time, it was him, Hatake Kakashi, the closet pervert, the one to turn her down (even though it took everything in him to do so). Even when (Y/n) tried to convince him and teased him, he tried to remind her and especially himself that the doctor highlighted how prohibited it was to do anything sexual. So whenever her teasings were too much, Kakashi ended up having to lock himself in the bathroom to release the tension by himself.

Sometimes that made (Y/n) be a little self-conscious as she thought that maybe she wasn't able to convince Kakashi because she wasn't as hot as she used to be. Sure she knew it was against the doctor's orders, but he had never cared about them, and she was also more emotional than normal to think fully rationally. Which made Kakashi be in a mild dilemma, he didn't want to fall into temptation (well, he wanted to but he couldn't), but he also didn't want (Y/n) to have more insecurities about her physique. So he repeated through kisses, caresses, and sweet words how amazing she was to him.

Besides from those scattered insecurities (Y/n) had, she had also been picking something off of Kakashi. Aside from the fact that he refused to have sex, that is. She was aware that Kakashi had been acting a little weird, although she also knew that he tried to hide it. At the beginning, around a month ago, she thought it was related to the pregnancy. But then she realized that it wasn't quite that, that he seemed... paranoid even.

(Y/n) was well aware that he was keeping something from her, but she decided to trust him and trust that whatever he was keeping from her was for her own well-being. Besides, she didn't want to stress over anything else, so she decided to forget about it. But then, after that month, she realized that he was becoming more and more paranoid.

Again (Y/n) doubted if it was because the labor date was getting closer, or if it was because what he was keeping a secret had worsened. So in the end, after wide consideration, she decided to confront him about it because it was stressing her more than actually being told some bad news.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi asked from the bathroom in their bedroom as (Y/n) had been sitting at the edge of the bed, her eyes lost somewhere in between the floor and wall, for quite some time "Are you cold? I've got another blanket for the bed if you want to" he said, exiting the bedroom, but she shook her head in denial. Which made Kakashi worry as she kept that same expression.

"Kakashi" she called him heavily. She opened her mouth to talk, but because she wasn't sure what to say she closed it shut again.

"What's wrong, honey?" he said, crouching in front of her as he laid his arms next to (Y/n)'s sides in a hug-way. She thought for a little while more.

"What are you not telling me?" she finally said, looking in his eyes that widened at being discovered.

"What do you mean?" he tried to seem composed, but she had already seen through his surprised state.

"I'm not stupid, Kashi. I know you've been keeping something from me for a while" she said, and Kakashi came at a loss of words, making her sigh "I decided not to ask because I didn't want to stress and decided that whatever it was you'd take care of it. But now I'm becoming more worried than if something actually bad happened" she told him, trying to convince him to tell her "Just tell me, Kashi" she said, caressing his silver hair as he looked away with a slight sad scowl, thoughtful.

"It's just... My dad's past has come to haunt me. It's not the 1st time someone was angry at me because of him" he said vaguely "But I promise you" Kakashi said, kissing (Y/n)'s cold hands while looking deep in her eyes "That I won't let anything bad happening to my family" he swore.

In the end (Y/n) accepted. It worried her a little bit still though. Did this mean that there were people going after Kakashi? After Sakuto? She was scared, especially now that she was vulnerable. She couldn't imagine something happening to Kakashi. Her being alone, she wouldn't be able to take it. And even less to their yet-to-be-born baby.

"I promise" Kakashi repeated when she saw her slight worry, still kissing her hands.

But then again, if she didn't want to ruin her health and their son's health, she knew she had no option but to trust Kakashi's words. So in the end, Kakashi took her in his arms. He tucked her lovingly in the blankets and duvet, and surrounded her and his son with love and kisses like he did every night.

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