Chapter 24

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(art by @mike_nyano on twitter)

Kakashi's POV:

Thank God I decided to come here as soon as possible or else these people would have died to Ibiki's methods before I got the chance to speak with them. They had already tried using Yamanaka to get information out due to them not cooperating, but it seems as if they were under a genjutsu that blocked us from seeing anything. Which only left us with Ibiki.

As soon as they saw me and I asked who were they, one of them spat on me. And immediately after Ibiki cut his tongue, saying that we still had the other one to tell us whatever we needed. I rolled my eyes and cleaned the spit as I saw the man bleed to death, feeling no remorse for that. After all, they were aiming for my son.

I tried to make the other man tell me what they wanted from me, but he just laughed like a crazy man, getting on Ibiki's nerves. However, before I could try anything else, or torture them myself, an Anbu burst into the room.

"It's your wife" he said simply, my blood immediately running cold. The man that was tied up and covered in blood laughed even more and hadn't I been too scared to death by what those three words could mean, it would have been me the one to slit his throat instead of Ibiki "She's in the hospital" he added, and it was all it took for me to leave that place and rush to the room where (Y/n) was.

I opened the door as rushedly as I had run there. My heart relaxed only slightly when I saw (Y/n) sleeping on the bed, with the only visual difference that she was in a hospital gown and had a bandage around her wrist.

I looked at the side and saw the anbu that was supposedly assigned to protect her, and then a nurse, writing something on a board before leaving it at the edge of (Y/n)'s bed.

"Oh, you must be her husband. Everything looks fine with her and your son. She probably fainted due to tiredness and twisted her wrist when hitting the floor" she smiled before leaving the room.

3rd person's POV:

Kakashi's brows twitched, and with a frown he turned to the Anbu. 'Fall to the floor?' he asked in his mind, feeling his skin burn.

"What happened" he said in a serious tone like he hadn't in so long. At least since he was in the Anbu himself and ordered people around.

"She was walking home. An old couple approached her—" the Anbu began emotionless reporting to him, the same thing he had previously done with Tsunade "When (Y/n) was helping them the woman forced her hand on her womb. She pushed her away and I intervened. Then the old couple teleported away, and when I went to check on her she had already fainted"

Kakashi couldn't help it, he only was aware of his actions once his fist had already collided against the anbu's mask.

"What the hell were you doing? Your job was to protect her. To take her home without any mishap" he growled to him while clenching his fist trying to hold back from punching him again. Especially because there was some blood dripping from his mask which meant he had either broken his nose or his lip "As soon as someone approached her you should have intervened. You are the worst anbu I have ever seen in my entire life. Even the genin back at the academy would have known better"

"They could have been Konoha civilians, and my orders were to stay hidden to her unless it was necessary" the Anbu answered back, only irking Kakashi even more.

His brow twitched, he clenched his fist and his jaw, and he swore to God he would have probably punched him again hadn't it been for (Y/n) starting to wake up. He felt his anger disappear, being replaced by complete and utter worry as he rushed to her side.

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