Chapter 9

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(art by @sistema_cai on twitter) 

3rd person's POV:

Kakashi finally got home. He had decided to take the long way to clear his mind, but he ended up with more clouded thoughts. His mind had raced the many horrible possibilities and secrets, and no matter how much he tried to push them away they just clung onto him, making him angry both for his anxieties and because of those things having a possibility of being real.

But in the end, he was finally home. His hand draped over the doorknob and he breathed in deeply, closing his eyes for a second before opening the door.

He had thought and prepared what he would say to (Y/n). He was in fact a little mad that she had kept a secret from him. But everything he ever thought of disappeared when he heard a light sob. His eyes widened at the sound, and every anxiety, fear, or anger he felt disappeared, transforming into worry about his girlfriend. He walked a little further into his house and he found her curled up on his couch, crying her eyes out.

He quickly sat by her side, making himself noticed, and put his arm around her back, startling her for a second. And as soon as she realized she wasn't alone an immense panic overcame her. She wiped her tears and prayed that he hadn't seen her while she tried to sit up, trying to hold up her hiccuping breath. But he pulled her close to him, burying her in a warm hug that made it more difficult for her.

"What's wrong? What happened?" he asked, rocking her as he ran his hand over her back in a soothing way.

She tried so hard to swallow her stuttering. To hold her tears back and look more composed than ever. But Kakashi's worried voice, his embracing body, so loving and homely. She couldn't take it anymore, her heart couldn't keep acting all tough and she just broke in.

She started crying louder, her tears staining Kakashi's shirt while she clenched his shirt and not only she cried but she whimpered in agony. It was a pain from having been keeping this all this time, from not knowing what to do. From the stress it gave her and the fear of destroying the best thing that had ever happened to her: Kakashi.

"I'm sorry" she cried in pain.

Kakashi frowned, hugging her tighter with his own heart clenching at her sobs and pain. His caresses increased in speed and strength, he just wanted her to feel the happiest ever, while he laid worried kisses on her head.

"I'm so sorry" she kept repeating, each time hurting more than the last one.

He didn't understand why she was apologizing. He was desperate to know what had made her so distressed. Was this the reason why she was so off this morning? Was all of this related to what Jiraiya told her? He just wanted to know, but right now, to him, her well-being was the most important. And his heart hurt so much just from seeing her like this, that he was sure that no matter what she was keeping a secret, even if it had been the worst-case scenario he had thought before, there would be no way he couldn't forgive her.

"It's okay, it's okay" he said, still rocking her so she would calm down. But she denied in his embrace and then pushed him away, tears still streaming down her face. Kakashi's face frowned harder and his eyes got wet too from finally seeing her pained face. Her swollen cheeks and eye bags let him see her suffering through her face.

"I-I need to t-tell you so-something" she tumbled through her words because of the hiccups and because of how nervous and scared she was. Kakashi nodded his head, feeling his heartbeat quicken, but his hands held (Y/n) still, refusing to break the touch "B-but you ne-ed to promise th-that you wo-won't hate me"

"What?" Kakashi's brows knitted further "Of course, I love you (Y/n), you're my life and only purpose. Why would you say that" but (Y/n) just shook her head in denial again.

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