⁵.¹⁶dumbledore's weapon

Start from the beginning

The four walked over to the fire place, Harry crouching near it. "Alert the Order if you can."

"What?" Athena looked at the boy as if he was out of his mind.

"Are you mental? We're going with you." Ron stated.

"It's too dangerous."

"Harry, I breathe and live dangerous. There's no way you're going there by yourself."

Hermione crouched down next to the boy. "When are you going to get it in your head. We're in this together."

"That you are." A sharp voice interrupted the four.

Athena mentally groaned, saying a short prayer in her mind as she turned around. "Heyyy Umbitch- Bridge. Hope you don't mind us right now."

Harry was now seated in a chair as Athena and the others were being held back by some of the people in the Inquisitorial Squad. Athena's wrist was being held together by Draco. "Dray, you know you're my favourite cousin-"

"I'm not letting you go Fi." Draco whispered simply. "At least not yet."

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" Umbridge asked, bedding down to be at eye-to-eye level with the boy.


"Liar!" The witch yelled, slapping Harry on the face.

Athena moved forward, but Draco held her back. He knew that the girl could easily get out of his grip, could easily use her powers and escape from him. So as he gripped her wrist tightly - but not too tight - he was thankful that she was able to control her anger at the moment.

"You sent for me, headmistress?" Snape walked in, earning the attention of the pink witch.

"Snape, yes." Umbridge stood up straight, her body turning to the professor. "The time has come for answers..."

"I'll give you guys your wands as she uses the potion on Potter." Draco whispered, Athena looking behind her to see that he held different wands. "Or not. There's none left."

"Why not now?" Athena whispered back.

"You're being impatient. If you somehow escape my grip now, she can easily petrify you. Catch her off guard."

"But she is off guard!" Athena whisper-yelled. "She's talking to Snape!"

"Just wait Fi." Draco muttered.

"...You leave me with no other alternative. The Cruciatus Curse ought to lose your tongue."

"Like hell you'll use that bloody spell on him!" Athena yelled out loud. Draco immediately held her back, though she was far stronger than him.

"That's illegal," Hermione warned the woman.

"What Cornelius won't know, won't hurt him." Umbridge stated, turning the picture of the minister down. She then pointed her wand at Harry, looking at him seriously. Just as she was about to yell out the curse, a voice yelled out.

"Tell her Harry!" Hermione's voice was heard.

"Tell me what?" Umbridge immediately snapped her head up to look at the girl.

Hermione looked at Harry, then to "Well if you won't tell her what it is... I will."

What are you on about M... Athena thought, looking at the girl who had a plan.

"Where what is?"

"Dumbledore's secret weapon."

Dumble-what's what now?

As the door closed, the three exiting, Draco had let go of Athena's wrist - who already had her wand in her hand

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As the door closed, the three exiting, Draco had let go of Athena's wrist - who already had her wand in her hand. Athena immediately stupefied the other students in the Inquisitorial Squad, all but Draco.

"Athena you missed one!" Neville yelled out, pointing at Draco who was behind the Black.

Athena laughed, Draco snarling at the boy. "Watch it Longbottom."

Athena laughed again, handing the others their wands. "Here, we better get going if we want to hurry."

"But what about him?" Ron looked towards Draco. "Won't he snitch?"

"I'm the one who let go of her, letting her give you your wands, nonetheless. You should be thanking me." Draco scoffed, crossing his arms. 

"Yes, thank you Draco." Athena grinned at the boy, who narrowed his eyes before breaking into a smile. "Although I could've easily gotten away from you."

"Why you-"

Athena hugged the Slytherin, interrupting his insult. "Seriously, thank you Dray. Don't get in too much trouble once your goons wake up. Make up an excuse."

"Already had one in mind." Draco nodded, returning the hug. "Now go. Potter and Granger might need your help getting there."

Athena grinned again. "Will do. Bye-bye!"

The others walked out of the room, Athena at the back. "And Fi?" Athena turned around. "Don't die. Don't let any of the others die as well."

Athena smiled appreciatively, nodding before she continued to walk with the others.

Athena smiled appreciatively, nodding before she continued to walk with the others

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