“H-He’s taking him back to Eulan my lord…Seokjin will probably break the bond and choose another there…” he knew he was being stupid, but he was desperate…he only regretted one thing at the moment, he’ll be putting Hoseok in danger…the alpha had somehow always tried to stand by him.

Jungkook’s gaze moved to set on him, calm eyes devoid on any emotion waiting for explanation.

“I r-read the General’s mind my lord…forgive me” he lowered his eyes and sniffles involuntarily took over him knowing he will be punished for taking such a decision without his Master’s permission “he is betraying you my lord…he is trying to help the omega”

“Taehyung is taking him to Eulan along with him?” The inquiry was not rushed but deep as Jungkook waited to understand. Well, he wasn’t very bothered about Hoseok’s betrayal, he knew very well that integrity wasn’t something the man lived by. He’ll just need a little incentive to make him behave himself, and he knew very well how to do that.

“Yes my lord…he knows what you had planned” Jimin was trembling now as he felt a hand grabbing at his jaw and forcing his head up “he intends to keep him by his side always so that no one can get a chance to get near the omega…he knows you intend to make Seokjin choose you over him…”

“What sort of foolish game is my brother playing this time? Bringing his omega among hundreds of soldiers? That omega could be raped and stolen from him in the rush of the attack…does he think he’ll be carrying his mate around while going into war??” Jungkook frowned judging the trueblood’s absolutely reckless ways “he is beginning to lose his mind, isn’t he? Or is it that god-awful pride of being the strongest among all alphas?”

His nimble laughter was derisive and it made Jimin feel more afraid knowing how the King always committed something completely irrational and crazy when he got like this.

“Fine then…if that’s how he wants it to be” he let go of Jimin’s jaw and rose from his seat “let the General know that there will be a slight change of plans.”

He grinned to himself, eyes glaring at the map as he traced a finger over the image that showed the North Gate castle hiding among the hills “you can run to the ends of the world omega…but you can’t hide…I always get what I want…”

“I really like this Yuki…it’s delicious” Jin spoke happily taking a spoonful of the fresh steaming soup from the little bowl the young maid had handed to him as he hovered beside her in the large busy kitchen.

“Here Prince, please try this…” another woman handed him a small platter of stir-fried vegetables and Jin took it being delighted and bowing to her for her sweet gesture.

This had become a regular with him, he loved spending time with them and loved how they pampered him as they served to him to taste what they were preparing for dinner. He had never seen such a large kitchen, neither had he seen such lush preparations, and often tried to understand if this is how living in a palace and being a royal would actually feel like.

“Eh you all are at it again huh? Have I not told you to stop treating him like a puppy and feed him before the meal…Master will be angry if he skips dinner again” the eldest ajhumma there rebuked, and Jin grinned to himself knowing she was the one who had first allowed it when she had found him strolling around the kitchen with his stomach growling, hopping from one pot to another and peeking over the cooks as he gushed to them how scrumptious everything smelled.

“Ajhumma…why are you scolding them? I asked them for it…I got hungry after the training, and look how tiny the platter is” he grinned as he walked to her.

Mirage of the Moon||TaeJinWhere stories live. Discover now