Chapter One: Lan Xichen

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Sizhui was the first one to open his eyes. He felt a heavy weight on himself. 

"What the–" He gasped, seeing Jin Ling lying on top of him.

Sizhui slightly nudged Jin Ling which made the latter wake up.

Jin Ling's cheeks flushed and he quickly got off Sizhui. "Sorry," He whispered, shyly.

Sizhui smiled and said, "Don't worry, Sect Leader Jin."

"Please, call me by my name," Jin Ling requested.

Sizhui nodded. "As you wish," He said. He then turned towards Jingyi who was sleeping on top of Zizhen.

Zizhen had his arms wrapped, securely, around Jingyi.

Sizhui walked towards those two and woke them up, while Jin Ling was looking at them with a thin, but visible smirk. 

Jingyi stirred a little as he snuggled closer to Zizhen. 

Sizhui looked at them, awkwardly. He might have seen Jingyi acting spoiled in the past, but this was the first time he saw him acting like this.

As soon as Jingyi felt something warm under him, he immediately opened his eyes which widened as big as they could, after seeing Zizhen under him.

He immediately moved far away from Zizhen which caused the latter to wake up.

"Hm?" Zizhen yawned and stretched his arms. "What happened?" He asked.

Jingyi, who had reddened cheeks, shook his head and said, "Nothing! Nothing!"

Jin Ling looked at Zizhen and said, "Actually, what happened was that—"

"Nothing happened!" Jingyi persisted, "Anyways, where are we?!"

Sizhui looked around and said, "This looks so much like GusuLan but…"

"But?" The three others asked, feeling curious and anxious at the same time.

Sizhui took a deep breath and continued, "But this looks like Gusu in the past when HanGuang-Jun was still studying. I still remember when he told me about it."

Zizhen's eyes went wide. "If this is the ancient Gusu when HanGuang-Jun was as old as we are right now, then did we…?" He asked, hesitantly. 

"Did we time-traveled?" Jingyi and Jin Ling asked at the same time, finishing Zizhen's sentence. 

Sizhui laughed awkwardly. "No, that's impossible, right?" He asked, hesitantly. 

Zizhen nodded. "I think so, unless…" He said, looking guilty.

"Unless?" Jin Ling asked, feeling his heart pumping loudly.

Zizhen gulped as he said, "Unless, the spell,  I misspelled before, sent us back in time."

"Huh?" Jin Ling exclaimed, turning towards Jingyi, "Jingyi! If we really time-traveled, I'll break your legs!"

Jingyi gasped. "Who are you to break my legs?! How is it my fault?" He asked, abruptly. 

"You interrupted Zizhen in the forest! Did you forget about that?!" Jin Ling said.

At the same time, a young boy, wearing GusuLan's clothes, approached them. 

"Excuse me," He said, gaining the four juniors' attention, "Are you all new here?"

Sizhui didn't know what to do so he just replied with a nod, meanwhile Jingyi found the young boy very familiar. 

"Ah," The boy said with a bow, "My name is Lan Xichen and I welcome you four to Gusu."

Jingyi gasped. He knew it!

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