Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Start

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“Master, Sect Leader Zhao has come here for you,” A young disciple said.

Ouyang Zixiong was currently doing his paperwork of the Sect. He was very perplexed upon hearing the arrival of the Sect Leader of Zhao. He dropped all his works and commanded the young disciple to let him in.

A few minutes passed. A knock was heard from the door and shortly after, the door opened, revealing the same disciple from before accompanied by Sect Leader Zhao and a young child who seemed around six years old.

“Master, the Sect Leader is here. I shall take my leave now,” The disciple said after he guided Sect Leader Zhao inside the chamber. On his way out, he closed the door as ordered per his master.

Ouyang Zixiong stood up and bowed in politeness. “Sect Leader Zhao, what an honour. What brings your presence here?“ He asked.

Sect Leader Zhao, also known as Zhao Pei, smiled. “My, my. Sect Leader Ouyang, you sure have a gentle presence. It's truly pleasant. However, I believe I should come straight to the point,” He said.

Ouyang Zixiong was flattered by the Sect Leader's words but he was also very much confused as to what could have brought Zhao Pei here.

Zhao Pei shoved the young child towards Ouyang Zixiong. The latter was bewildered. The treatment of Zhao Pei to this young lad was very cruel.

“This child came to my Sect, asking for help. After much searching of his parents, I've come to know that his mother has unfortunately passed away,” Zhao Pei said.

Ouyang Zixiong still didn't know how this was concerned to him. He looked at the young child who seemed very traumatised. The young child had a very close resemblance to Zizhen.

Zhao Pei had a sinister look on his face. “Sect Leader, however this young child's father is alive and may I add, he is also very well-off,” He said.

“Pardon my insolence but how is this concerned to me? If his father is alive, take this young lad to him. Why are you here?“ Ouyang Zixiong asked.

“Oh, but that's exactly what I am doing,” Zhao Pei said with a very innocent smile. He was not the right influence according to many people. Some even compared him to the Sect Leader Wen, saying that 'There is not much of a difference'.

Slow realisation spur on Ouyang Zixiong's face. He looked at the young child again. The close resemblance to Zizhen was no joke at all. He really looked like him.

Without thinking much, he pushed the child away from him with anger.

“Sect Leader Zhao, what is this joke?! I do not claim this filthy child from the street as mine!“ Ouyang Zixiong angrily said.

Zhao Pei didn't take any offence of the sudden anger towards him. Instead he chuckled and helped the young child to stand up.

“Now, now, I can't possibly let this child all alone by himself, can I now? Everyone would know of your illegitimate son if he roams around on the street,” Zhao Pei said. It was clear that he was threatening Ouyang Zixiong if he doesn't listen to him, he'll tell everyone.

“What do you want?“ Ouyang Zixiong asked in defeat. He cannot risk his reputation because of a child.

“Well it is quite simple. Your sect has been considered as a small one for so many years. It makes me feel very bad. Don't you want your Sect to flourish?“ Zhao Pei said, feigning his emotions.

Ouyang Zixiong was taken aback. “What do you mean by that?“ He asked.

Zhao Pei caressed the boy's hair and answered, “If you want, I can help you getting your Sect to the top. Only if you listen to me, then I can do that.“

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