Chapter Twenty: Back In Present? Pt2

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"Young Masters! Lan Sizhui has been taken away from some unknown people!"

The moment they heard about this, they didn't waste any more time. Taking their swords and talismans, all of them left to bring the juniors back.

...Even if, it meant a war.

Several sects came in support as soon as the word got out with thousands of disciples.

"We should really think through this again before announcing a war," Lan Xichen said. After knowing about the war happening in the future and the damages it will cost, he isn't sure if they should go forward with this war.

They don't even know who is the enemy.

Wei Wuxian turned towards him with complete determination. “Zewu-Jun, a lot of damages have already been done. Jingyi and Sizhui already lost their existence but Zizhen and Jin Ling are on the verge now. We need to save them,” He said.

Lan Xichen was puzzled.
Jiang Cheng marched to him. He placed a hand on his shoulder. “…A-Huan, the kids are in danger. We might lose our lives, we know nothing about the one who is trying to hurt the kids.. but they are still our children…”

Lan Xichen looked at him.
He shouldn't be worrying about being righteous or being evil.
His child is in danger, their children are in danger.

He took out his sword and glared fiercely. “Let's win this war!“ He said.

“Let's win this war!“
“Let's win this war!“
“Let's win this war!“


Jingyi was in the front, Zizhen in the middle and Jin Ling at the back. They were forming a line while running away.

“Why can't we just run out of this dungeon?!“ Jin Ling half-yelled.

Jingyi glared at him. “What if they put traps on the ground or the walls?! Better be safe than sorry!“ He yelled back in the same manner as Jin Ling.

Zizhen sighed.

Jin Ling tsk-ed. At the speed they were walking, it would take them an entire year to even get out of the room they were present in.


“Shush!“ Zizhen hushed both the juniors beside him. Someone was walking around the room.

“Where is Xiumin? I brought him a jade from the market!“

It was Wang Faxu.

The three juniors looked at each other. Wang Faxu will definitely come in this room because it is the only way to get to the prison where they were held in.

I don't know. Maybe he is with those three boys back in the prison,”  It was Ye Xiang who spoke.

Zizhen suddenly got an idea of how to get pass through them. He grabbed Jin Ling's arm and pushed him in front of the door.

Jin Ling was confused. He nearly spoke up loudly in surprised if Zizhen didn't motion him to stay quiet.

Zizhen then took Jingyi's hand and guided him to the door. Jingyi and Jin Ling understood Zizhen's plan.

Jin Ling was the distraction. As soon as Wang Faxu and Ye Xiang open the door, their attentions will be on Jin Ling and that will give an opportunity to Zizhen and Jingyi to attack them.

And that's exactly what happened.

Jingyi grabbed Wang Faxu whereas Zizhen took a hold on Ye Xiang. Jin Ling ran and opened the door of the prison where Xiumin was lying down,

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