Chapter 27: Short Visit Home

Start from the beginning

Nanami: Are you sure you don't want to come?

Kardama: Hell no. I'm fine here.

Kyouko: aww the wittle dwagon doesn't trust someone who's stronger then him aww how cute!

Kardama: shut your damn mouth you portable charger!

Kiyomi: come on you two not here.

Atlas simply looks at them and smiles. He then turns to face Natsu.

Natsu: are you sure you don't want to come along uncle?

Atlas: I'm sure besides I'm not so great on moving vehicles.

Natsu: tell me about it..

Atlas: I also have to stay behind and watch over the village. Now that Nanami is going with you there's no way we will be able to detect in coming trespassers.

Natsu: yeah I guess you're right.

Atlas: just take care of those five for me

Natsu: I'll try

Ena: And don't fight you here me.

Natsu: no promises on that one

He says as he boards the train. The others also get on and go to there seats.

Isidore: you think they'll be hot ladies in Tokyo?

Hitome: what makes you so sure you'll have any luck over there? You barely were able to get anything at the village.

Kyouko: and when he tried Irene san and Mira nearly killed him.

She says laughing, Hitome along with Kiyomi also began to laugh. Over the loud speaker the conductor made his announcement.

Conductor: The train to Tokyo will now begin to move. Please all passengers take your seats as you may be injured during the departure of the train. Our attendants will be passing around shortly offering you beverages and food. Once again thank you for riding Tokyo rails, we hope you enjoy your trip with us.

Kyouko: wow what a nice guy

She says leaning into Nanami. She just nods as there attention is dragged away when they hear a small ruckus over to there left where Natsu and the others are sitting.

Irene: my god Natsu, the train hasn't even moved and you're already sick?!

Natsu: what do you want me to do? I hate riding these things! Couldn't we just teleport there.

Irene: no, they have to get the full experience of there first trip to Tokyo.

Mira: Uhh Irene...

Irene: oh no she's already passed out

Wendy: I can't help it...

Were her final words before passing out completely. The train then began to move and Natsu immediately passed out short after. Nanami and the others looked confused. Irene turned to them

Irene: You guys will feel it soon.

Nanami: Feel what?

Kiyomi: Nanami...

She looks in front of her seeing Kyouko slouched in her seat with her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Nanami: what the? Kyouko!

Isidore: Is this...a death...machine...

He says trying to hold in his barf before completely passing out himself. She then looks at Kiyomi who's cheeks are completely puffed up. She feels a tap on her shoulder, she looks seeing Irene handing her a bag.

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