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Third person

"Logan this is not your area of expertise. Why not go read a textbook or something?" Roman sneers in Logan's direction.

"Roman!" Patton exclaims as if the comment was made to him instead of the logical side.

"Roman that was a little harsh." Virgil adds in his direction while Logan stays quiet and silent next to the stairs close to the Anxious side.

"Well it's true is it not?" While Logan looks around at everyone's expression, half expecting someone to kick up a fuss, no one says anything for a few moments more.

"Well kiddo maybe it isn't your best topic but that doesn't mean you have to go." Patton says facing Logan with a forced smile. "We'd love for you to stay Lo!" Logan felt his heart plunge in his chest, feeling as if he's failed them as a logical side who should be included in all subjects to aid Thomas in his own way however today proved difficult since he has very little emotion. 'They really do think I'm a joke'

"Logan it's up to you." Virgil states simply. "I honestly don't have a say in this. So,"

"Look, my friend-" friends don't kick you out, Logan thought to himself. "It's not that we don't want you here with us- it's just you have no relevance in the current situation." Roman tells him.

"I see how it is." Logan speaks up feeling a lump lodged in his throat. "If you believe that is the best case for Thomas then I shall leave you to it, do not worry about hurting my so-called feelings because of that I have none of."

"I know that." Roman rolls his eyes, avoiding Logans as he sinks out of the living room.

Janus POV

That's odd, Remus and I are simply sitting in the dark side's mindscape when a bang can be heard from above us, in the light sides area. We share glances towards each other while I let my mind wonder and try to figure out what's happened. It's a single bang, which alarms me because usually, when the light sides have returned from Thomas, 4 feet landing on the ground can be heard. The room above us is Logan's room. He's usually the last to leave. Remus obviously figures this out and he stands up, heading towards our door, no need telling me where he's going. I quickly follow his lead.

Logan doesn't want to admit it but he does, in fact, have feelings. He just refuses to admit it since he's meant to leave all his emotions at his door when he goes to help Thomas in yet another crisis. Remus and I have often seen what happens when they mess with his head and forget about everyone having feelings deep down. But I'm surprised not even Patton has gone to make sure he's okay.

"Logan!" Remus screams in his normal crazy manner. "Looooogan!" when no one answers the main door to the light mindscape, we sink into his room directly.

"Remus do ssscare him." I hiss with a small smirk when we appear in the normal dark blue themed room, facing the door.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Remus brushes it off and I give him a look before we turn around, freezing at the sight.

Logan's looking at us with wide, bloodshot eyes, tears streaming down his face and his breathing short, sharp and irregular.

"L-Logan?" Remus stutters, not waiting to rush to his side. Remus may seem crazy and selfish but when it comes to people crying and feeling empty and upset, he's the fastest person to be there for them. But I'm so thrownback by the sight, I'm frozen for a moment more.

"What are you two doing here?" Logan asks in an attempt to regain himself.

"We weren't worried about you." I try to talk but my lies still escape my tongue as I walk closer to him on his bed. Remus sits beside him while I stand next to him, hesitating to lay a hand on his shoulder, but I resist in case it comes across as an act to hurt him. Logan looks up at me and it breaks my heart to see him broken and in tears. He's always been so strong and now he's in front of us, a broken mess. So I sat down with him.

"Logan, what's happened? Who do we need to teach a lesson to??" Remus demands in a threatening voice.

"No one. It is correct that I was not needed in this particular event Thomas was facing. It is best that I take a step back."

"Pfft, as if that's true." Remus sneers.

"Logan, Thomas doesn't-" I'm not even gonna Finish that sentence.

"He needs you as much as he needs any of the sides." Remus tells him but he just shakes his head, looking away from both of us, eyes darting around the room.

"I am merely a joke to them all." He breaks again, another wave of tears falling down his cheeks.

"No you're not. At least to us you're not." I hold my lies back with all my strength.

"How do I know you're not lying about that?" Logan points out.

"Because why would he?" Remus defends me. "Logan, you're not a joke. Trust us on this." He stares at Remus with wide eyes and he lets him engulf him into a tight embrace and I lay my hand on his back, to try and comfort him as he sobs into Remus' shoulder.

"Logan, please do - don't think of yourself as anything but needed." I try to make things better. "I'm sure they didn't mean whatever they said about you. Or whatever was implied." Remus gives me a look, a threatening look but it's not towards me. It's towards the light sides. He's about to flip.

"Are you able to stay with me tonight?" Logan questions and I smile lightly.

"We can stay for however long you want." I tell him softly. "Be it all day or all night. We'll stay until you feel better."

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