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Virgil's POV

Roman is singing once again. But this time it's a song I haven't heard before so I decided to be nosy and investigate and listen to this new song. I sneak down the hallway, sitting down against the wall, listening to every word that leaves Romans mouth in the bedroom behind me. It's a musical song I think. Not a Disney one which is weird and odd for him.

But it goes a little like this

"I said,
There's nothing like your smile
Sort of subtle and perfect and real
I said
You never know how wonderful
That smile could make someone feel
And i knew
Whenever you got bored
You scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans
And i noticed
That you still fill out the quizzes
That they put in those teen magazines
But I'll keep it all inside my head
What I saw, I left unsaid
And though I wanted to
I couldn't talk to you
I couldn't find the way
But I would always say
If I could tell him
Tell him everything I see
If I could tell him
How he's everything to me
But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't even know how I would start
If I could tell him
If I could tell him."

Oooh, princy has a crush on a certain someone. I wonder who it is. I know it won't be me but I've accepted that so I wonder who's the lucky guy who's stolen his heart. Like he has to mine.

"I thought
You looked really pretty
It looked pretty cool when you put indigo streak in your hair-"

He did? Wait, I put indigo streaks in my hair the other week to experiment with colours. I did it in the middle of the night since Thomas would've changed his hair colour if he was awake. I really liked it but I only showed roman that night since he was the only person who was awake.

"-and I wondered how you learnt to dance
Like all the rest of the world isn't there.
And I kept all it inside my head
What I saw I left unsaid
If I could tell him
Tell him everything I see
If I could tell him
How he's everything to me
But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't even know how I would start
If I could tell him
If I could tell him.
But what do you do when the distance is too wide?
Its like I don't know anything.
How do I say?
I love you...?
I love you...
I love you...
I love you!"

His tone of voice suddenly grew so sincere and upset in a way. More emotional and sensitive. He's really singing from the heart, like he's bottled up so many emotions for too long and he's just burst, he's just let it all out in song. But I want to know is it me he's singing about? Usually songs don't sound so real and emotional unless the person singing is singing about themselves.

"-but we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell him
If I could..."

I hear him sigh longingly, his footsteps walking towards the door and I don't have enough time to run away before the door opens up, swiftly.

"Well, that song too-" I quickly put my hood up and over my head, like it'll protect me from the rage I'm bound to experience for ear dropping. Roman walks out and turns, looking down at me and I feel my anxiety start to claw up my spine, heart rate picking up considerably. "Virgil?" He questions and I bring my knees to my chest, fearing his next reaction. "What are you doing on the floor?" I say nothing, too scared I'll make the situation worse and I'll regret something in the future. "D-Did you hear me singing?" I look up at Roman, just enough for our eyes to lock for a moment before I quickly revert back to the floor again. My breathing starts becoming heavy, heavy enough for my shoulders to rise and drop noticeably. "Virgil," Roman kneels down in front of me, laying one of his hands on my knee, I stare at him with wide eyes and pursed lips. "Calm down, I'm not angry if that's what you think. I was gonna perform it for you anyway."


"I was gonna perform it to you anyway! What's wrong with that?" He smirks and my cheeks blush under my pale foundation.

"Nothing, I guess."

"You guess? I actually changed some of the lyrics, it would be he said instead of I said. Why do you think that is?" I'll have the answer wrong so I'll go with the safe one I have inside my mind, my first thoughts on it anyway.

"That you love someone and you were singing it as if you were singing it to themselves."

"Yep," I lower my knees, now sitting crossed legged. "You know who it's about?"

"Erm. No I don't thi-"

"Should I make it easier for you then?" What the - he leans his head closer towards my face and my heart now races for a different reason entirely.

"Roman i-" Despite my attempts to resist, he still presses his lips onto mine, closing the gap and it makes me tense up before quickly melting into the kiss, loving the giddy feeling it makes me feel inside. I close my eyes, sinking my head into my shoulders whilst moving my hand to his hair, running my fingers through it. We finally break the kiss when we realise we need to take a breath and I open my eyes to see him smiling at me with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Did I make it easier, my love?" he asks and I actually feel tears burn my eyes, but feeling happiness flood my chest which is an odd sensation. I've never felt this happy before.

"I-I'm speechless." I speak up since I was keeping the silence. He chuckles before making my hood fall off my back to move some of my hair out of my face with a cute and modest smile before kissing my lips again.

"If I could tell you
Tell you everything I see
If I could tell you
How you're everything to me."

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