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Lyric: if I'm being honest, I miss you but I hate you

-if I'm being honest by Anna Clendenin

TW: Insults, Pushing ones self to over work, Kinda Unsympathetic!Roman

Logan's POV

"Roman, I am aware that you have been working hard lately, to make sure Thomas does well in his upcoming audition. However, I must insist you take a break." I inform to Roman in the mindscape. Since it is just the two of us in the main room, I decide to tell him how I view the situation we are in." I- " I feel my cheek burn a little. "-do not want to see you figuratively 'burnt out'."

"Logic," I really wish he would call me Logan. I am not sure why he does not. "My hard work will pay off eventually. So until then, I won't take your advice." I dislike the fact that he never takes my advice either. He is very frustrating.

"Roman," I adjust my glasses by their frame, attempting to remain calm. "I am the logical side so I know what happens when you are 'burnt out' and how you get to that state of mind. I am merely trying to help."

"Yeah well, I don't need your help, nerd." Before I burst out and cause a scene, I sink out of the mindscape and into my room, releasing a sharp breath, and letting my shoulders slouch slightly.

"I hate it when he calls me a nerd." I whisper to myself, feeling slightly hurt inside. No, it cannot be feeling, it is merely a dislike for being called a nerd or even being inferred to be a nerd.

*A week has passed*

Roman has not stopped acting and reversing for this audition. It is the only thing he would say for days on end. However I must admit, seeing him stressed has affected me inside slightly. I have a fear that I may be falling in love with him. I have spoken to Patton about these feelings I have been developing for Roman and he sounded very pleased and happy about the situation. He practically convinced me I was falling however, I have not come to proper terms with it and I worry if I do, it will affect the way Thomas thinks but at this rate, he will be burnt out very soon if Roman does not let him take a break. This may even change the way he performs in the audition which takes place in a week and a half time.

"Hey, Lo. Have you spoken to Roman today?" Virgil greets me with a question, sitting in front of me and the mere sound of Romans name creates the illusion that butterflies are in my stomach.

"No I have not. He may be in his room. Why, would you like to ask him a question?"

"Did you blush?" He smirks.

"Did I? I had not noticed." Did I let myself blush in front of Virgil? I know I am 'in for it now'.

"You like Roman!" He exclaims, loudly and it only makes my heart rate increase.

"Virgil!" I warn. "Keep your voice down!"

"So you admit it." he says, leaning his head on his hand which is placed on the table.

"If you stop pestering me then yes."

"Aw, how cute."

"Keep your voice down."

"Since you like him and you're you, have you noticed the change in his behaviour?"

"Indeed." I sigh. "However, it is down to the stress of his rehearsals. He refuses to take a break. I miss the him before the mention of this audition."

"I'm not the only one then. That's good to know."

"I did not realise someone else such as yourself would have noticed."

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