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This is just self indulgent so if it's TOO dark then that's why :)

Okay this is alot, TW: mentions of Remus having Intrusive Thoughts, Depressive talk, Attempt to starve to death, Janus Hissing truths.

Virgil POV

You really think you're helpful? You really think you do anything other than scare Thomas? You really think that the light sides actually like you? Everyone has their dark sides, even them. You can tell what their insecurities are, what they fear and dread, you could easily freak them out. Roman hated you since you first came along. Logan was so unsure of you and Patton tried to avoid you. The dark sides never did that. They welcomed you. They needed you. And you betrayed them. They won't accept you now, so who do you live for?

Who are you here for?

Who are you alive for?

Remus POV

I haven't seen Virgil recently, now that I think about it. Well, actually I've been thinking about him for a couple of weeks now, I haven't been able to get him off my mind but of course, I fear that if I try to go find him, The voice will tell me to rip off his hood with his head it razer stab his stomach, pouring his blood out of his body so he's just a mangled body on the floor. I don't really want him dead. That's the truth, in fact. He's the one I want to keep alive the most out of everyone here. I hope he's okay.

*Jazz hands*Time skip to next dayyyyyy*Jazz hands*

Now I'm getting worried about him and that's his job, not mine! I stand up from my bed, marching into the dark side's main room to see Janus, watching a Disney film, mocking it. He looks back at me as I rip the doorknob to walk outside, he calls my name.

"Why are you staying?" He asks me.

"I'm going to check on Viiiiiii, thinking about inviting him over for a marvel film or something, or maybe a horror film."

"And let you shout in happinesss at the TV whenever someone diesss, and laugh your asses off when ssssomeone getsss Jumpssscared?"

"I mean, yeah?" Duh! What else am I gonna do? Keeping quiet during a movie is so boring.

"Okay." Yeah you better not object.

"What are you doing here, Remus?" Roman asks, not in a sassy tone or anything. Just more curious than anything when he opens the door to the light sides to reveal me.

"I'm here to check on Virgil." I say, simply. "While I'm here, do you have any deodorant? I've lost mine which is a pain."

"You didn't lose it, you ate it." He smirks.


"What ever." He says, letting me walk through and into the small common room of the light sides to see Logan and Patton curled up together on the sofa, watching the TV. "We've been worried about Virgil too. But he won't answer us. I wish he would trust us a little more." I stare at Roman, glancing at Logan and Patton with a frown of concern.

"Like that's ever gonna happen." I blurt, even if it's not the best thing to say in the moment. I should be trying to make him feel better but how do I do that? I'm dark creativity. I am a dark side. I use humour as a way of sharing my feelings and emotions. I'm only here to check on Vi anyway. Now, where is his room?


Virgil POV

Who the hell was visiting the light sides? Remus or Janus? I bet they've come to gloat or something. You're not even accepted in the dark sides anymore, and the light sides don't need the burden of keeping you away from Thomas so he doesn't freak out all the time and overthink about petty things. Perhaps starving yourself isn't quick enough. Perhaps you should do some more drastic measures...

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