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This is gonna be hideous so bare with me. :)

TW: Mentions of Vomit, feeling too queezy to move

Logan's POV

"Patton?" I call outside his bedroom door. "Patton, is something the matter? You have not left your room all day." I observe but my voice being not monotone, actually a hint of concern is in my breath and I'm sure Patton could tell that out of anyone here. He is Thomas's heart after all. However, no reply is heard.

"Logan! Where's the crofters?!" Roman yells from the kitchen, loudly.

"In the fridge where it always is." I state bluntly, loud enough for him to hear.

"Thank you my friend!" 'whatever' I believe is the term I should use. I look back at Patton's door now losing its colour. It's light blue is slowly fading away into a plain grey.

"Patton!" I knock my knuckles against his door. "I'm afraid I insist I enter." I know very well that Patton does not enjoy being alone and he's been in his room since yesterday evening and it's now 3 o'clock. Admittedly, I am worried about him. "Patton, I am coming in." Despite not receiving a reply from him, I turn the door knob and I open his door to reveal a dark room which alarms me, Patton does not like the dark, in fact ever since we visited Virgil room, he has insisted all light must stay on at all times in case 'Creepy Crawly Death Dealers' find their way to his bed. No one is in the main room however I hear clunking off products in his bathroom in the far corner. "Patton?" I call again, walking in, now seeing pictures of Thomas on his bed with books he's made on the floor and costumes he wore on the walls. He must not be feeling his best currently. I pause in the doorway of his bathroom, switching on a light to see a figuratively broken looking Patton on the floor next to the toilet as pale as I've ever seen any of the sides look. He looks at me with bags under his eyes, shaking hands, quivering lips, watery eyes and untidy hair.

"Logan?" He questions, slightly confused. "Oh sorry," He forces a smile in my direction but I can see right through it. "I didn't hear you."

"You have been in here all day, and you are very pale! Are you feeling okay, Patton?" I ask him, letting my tone speak for me as well. I kneel down beside him as his smile fades away, showing his true colours.

"You don't need to be so worried Logan. I didn't know you knew the emotion worry," He tries to lighten the mood.

"Patton, you are clearly not feeling well." I state. "Let me take care of you."

"Logan, I can take care of myself." He smirks lightly.

"I am fully aware of that, but sometimes you are forced to accept someone's help and kindness. I believe I should know." I give him a warm reassuring smile to make him feel more at ease, or that's what I hope anyway. I'm not very adapted when it comes to comforting other people. However, I am able to take care of someone, that I know how to do.

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't end the world if I did accept your help. But there's not much you can do."

"Fresh air will boost your immune system, I suggest we start there." I declare as I offer him my hand. He takes it, seeing his cheeks burn a faint rose shade as I stand and I help him to his feet.

"So we're going for a walk?" he grins, looking a little happier and more excited about doing anything. I nod with a smirk on my lips myself.

"However, care to explain why you are in the dark?" I ask, hoping for an answer.

"I was sick in the middle of the night and I fell asleep on the bathroom floor." So that is the reason why I heard a bang in the middle of the night then. "I woke up late morning and I wasn't able to move without feeling ill. Thomas must be sick. I was feeling a little stressed too." he replies with, gripping my hand and it makes my heart beat a little faster for some odd reason, it excites me and I love the feeling.

"And since you are the core of his feelings, you have to deal with the brunt of it." I end his thought and he nods. "It would explain why Roman keeps forgetting where things are. If Thomas is stressed his creativity would be affected by this."

"I'm sorry, Logan. I would be out helping the kiddos. Virgil with his Anxiety and Roman with his overacting mind."

"Do not worry about it and please, think about yourself as well." He smiles to himself, looking away from me, but looking happier in his eyes. I find myself never wanting to even glance away from them.

Sanders Sides !Angst&Fluff!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora