The Love Potion - How To Kill A Witch

Start from the beginning

“Did you find it.” she asked the minute the call went through.

“Yes I did but I nearly got caught.” I informed her.

“But you’re ok.” She asked quickly.

I looked at my wrist, “Yeah.” I said dully.

“Ok your………”

I waited for the rest of the sentence to follow but it didn’t, I thought maybe she had hanged up, I looked at my phone, she was still online.”Gloria?” I questioned.

“Yeah sorry about that I thought I saw something but it’s nothing”

“Oh ok you scared me there for a second.” I laughed nervously; I thought those beasts had gotten her or something.

“I’m ok Christina.” she assured me. “Anyway I was saying your dad and sister should be ok by now………and er Christina I’m sorry to tell you this but after you left the doctor came looking for you, he had some bad news.

“What bad news.” I shouted in anxiety, didn’t she just say that my dad should and sister would be ok by now.

“Your sister lost her baby.” She said quietly.

“That’s it? You scared the bejesus out of me.” I shouted at Gloria.

“Christina!” it was her turn to scream. “Is that all you can say.”

I rolled my eyes and said. “She can have another baby with her precious Tim.” I replied, excuse me for not being insensitive but a miscarriage I could deal with but if she had died that I wouldn’t have been able to handle.

“Fine…..I’ve been asking around about how to help you and Kevin, I think I’ve found someone that can help us.” She paused for a while before she added the rest. “………… it’s your mother.”

“MY MOTHER!................As in my real mom.” I asked totally flabbergasted.

“Yes…..I don’t have all the facts so come see me in three days and I’ll tell you what I know so far. I have to go I saw something.” Gloria said.

“Er ok.” I replied and she hanged up. My mother? I hadn’t seen her since I was ten, what could she possibly do to help me, I asked myself baffled.

As I got back into my car I realized I still had Zoë’s book with me, I tossed it in the back seat and drove to the hospital, I would examine it later I mused. My dad and sister were awake and their eyes had returned to normal, Brianna was devastated that she had lost her baby but at least he had Tim to comfort her.

Three days later

I took the steps three at a time as I raced downstairs, today was my appointment with Gloria, I was itching to see her especially after she had said my mom might be able to help us.

“And where do you think you are going.” My dad called out, I was almost at the door.

“Shit.” I muttered under my breath.

He came to stand beside me with his arms folded across his chest. “You know we never had that talk about you and Kevin, and what you’ve been doing lately.” He finished the last part by staring at my bruised wrist.

I laughed nervously, what do I do now, what do I do now, what do I do now, my brain screamed as I tried to remain calm outwardly.

“I promise if you let me go, I’ll tell you everything when I come back later.” I begged.

“Christina I can’t let you out of the house until we talk.” He said sternly.

“Aw dad come on please please please.”  I half pouted and half begged.

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