"No, why?"

"I'm  just getting that feeling again, something is fishy about it, remember when I said that about 'Nate' and no one listened?".

She seemed to think it over before nodding "Okay, we'll try to have a look around when we're there. I'm going to try to listen this time. Who knows what would have happened if I had last time" I nodded, we neared the school.

It had a large white cross in the front with some trees to the side, we could hear the singing from a few feet away. I stepped up trying to open the door only for the handle to not turn and to stay shut tight, I tried again but to no avail, Anne came beside me taking the large metal ring on the door and using it to knock.

We waited for a moment before a peep hole was unlocked, a nun stood on the other side "Oh hello!" Anne greeted, the woman looked at us before closing the latch and unlocking the door and stepping outside.

"Good days young ladies. How may I help" she gave me an off feeling to, this whole place did "Hello sister" I said "this is new Indian school, is it not?" the woman nodded a bit "How wonderful!" Anne chimed in taking over.

"We're in the area unexpectedly so we decided to come visit a young friend, Ka'kwet"

"I have no idea who that is"

My brow furrowed and I stepped in front of Anne, she backed up as I stood before the woman. "You don't know your own students?"

"Nothing like that. The children are given proper Christian names when they arrive, you see?"

My eyes widened "There was nothing wrong with her name though. Or any of their names for that matter"

Anne pulled me back a bit, she knew when I was starting to lose my temper and though this may seem like something small, that is like changing who they are.

Their names had meaning like she had explained, just ripping that from dozens of kids is terrible "She would have arrived recently, from Prince Edward Island." Anne said holding my wrist tightly "Very bright. Gregarious? Big smile. Dimples?" it was like talking to a brick wall.

"Regaurless, its not possible to visit at this time. The children are in choir practice" Anne looked up at the singing "How marvellous" I scoffed.

"This whole thing seems wrong" I muttered "I can assure you they are all well taken care of" "Then you will have no problem letting her know, y/n and Anne, stopped by?" the woman said nothing.

Anne pulled at my hand as the woman closed the door, "I get that its disappointing but you didn't have to sound so rude"

"Anne something is wrong here and it bugs me that you can't see that."

"How do you know something is wrong?"

"You can't just tell me that chaning someones given name without their consent is okay"

"You don't know if it was witho-"

"Anne, look me in the eyes and tell me Ka'kwet would have actually wanted to change her name. Especially after the way she talked about its meaning and how she liked it."

Anne paused looking down. "Exactly. You can't. She wouldn't have done it willingly. Something is wrong, I know it. You don't have to agree but when the truth does come out, I will say I told you so".

She nodded as we began our walk back to the train, I heard a small noise from above us "Did you hear that?" "What?" I turned back to the school looking up to the windows, I saw a glimpse of movement but nothing else.

"I guess it was nothing" though I couldn't shake the feeling that that wasn't true, sometimes I wish I didn't have these gut feelings.

It would be so much better to be oblivious to the world sometimes. Anne grabbed my hand pulling me with her as we walked back. When we arrived in Avonlea I had walked back to Annes, she wanted me to spend time with her away fromt he stress of the curch and school.

I agreed immediately obviously, it was a simple descion, I also hadn't seen Marilla or Mathew for quite sometime and though her and Anne seemed to be angry with each other it would still be nice to chat. When we arrived though, it was dark, we were traveling the Gilbert and Bash still, they had come with us becausr they had left Delphine with Marilla.

"Thank you" Bash said, I hadn't yet asked him about the bandage covering his head or the sad look he wore, I mean he was always upset as of late but this time it seemed even more so.

"We...I really appreciate it. Good night" Marilla closed the door "Poor Bash" "I wish there was more we could do" "Wait... what happened" Anne turned to me "Oh, Marys son never left. He just hid while she was sick in order to not go and see her. You were talking with Gilbert when he had explained it" "Oh." I nodded before it actually hit me "OH! I can't beleive he would do that!" I said.

My hands tightened into fists, a lot was making me angry today it seemed.

Marilla began to walk away before she turned back to us quickly "How did it go at the church? I hope the trip was successful." I looked to Anne, not wanting to tell her story "I found what I was looking for. Both my parents did indeed pass, weeks apart from each other when I was three months old. So death was in fact responsible for our tragic parting. Which..." she sighed "oddly enough is a releif for me" Marilla nodded "Because they didn't...choose to give you up" "Its been weighing on me" "I see".

I backed up slowly into the door before quietly leaving, this seemed like a private conversation. I know she saw me leave so she wouldn't be confused, I saw Bash and Gilbert not far down the walk, they seemed to hear my footsteps and Gilber turned to see me walking behind them.

"Hey y/n" "Hello" "I thought you were staying the night there?" "I decided not to, her and Marilla need to talk alone right now" he nodded as I caught up to walking beside them.

We walked in a comfortable silence, I took the turn off the road to Stacys only I wasn't alone when I turned. Gilbert stayed by me, when I looked up with a questioning glance he just smiled turning forward once again.

I tired not to but a small smile made its way to my lips as well, we didn't speak when he dropped me off at my door, only gave a wave to which I returned before turning and wlaking inside.

Stacy was still on the couch when I walked in "I'm sorry, I should have told you I was with Anne" she nodded.

"Its alright, next time just try to let me know before hand"

"I will" "Good, and was that Gilbert Blythe I saw?"

I felt heat rise to my cheeks "No! It was a umm... a heroic wolf who has vowed to be my loyal protector" she laughed.

"I'm sure. Well I'm off to bed, good night" "you too.".

I layed down on the couch closing my eyes, not bothering to try and put my hair up so it wouldn't get tangled, today was so tiring. I let out a breath before my mind drifted and the world shut out from around me.

An: 2014 Words! An Easter/Good Friday/ and
other holiday I may have missed special!
I hope you all have a good day/night
today and tomorrow and if you
celebrate to have fun and maybe
tell what you are doing in the
comments!As always leave
any questions,suggestions,
comments, or concerns!
I hope you enjoyed this
chapter! Happy Reading

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