"Hey good to see you! We have great news. Thankfully, it's not broken. As we can see in the x-ray, your bones are super strong and they are still okay! However, it looks like you hit the ground pretty hard which caused it to swell this much. It shouldn't be anything to be concerned about, just keep some ice on it and it should recover in a couple of days." Dr. Kim said. He wrapped it in a sling just to be safe. I let out a breath of relief as I thanked the doctor and drove him. Now that I knew it wasn't anything too serious, my fear turned into anger.

"Jungkook, do you know how dangerous that was when you were running in the parking lot? You could've gotten seriously injured! What if you broke your arm?" I said as I drove home. I could just hear small sniffles coming out. I drove home and helped Jungkook get out and made him go to his room.

"How did it go?" Jimin asked as he saw Jungkook bolting to his room. I let out a sigh.

"He didn't break his arm. It might've just been a bad fall." I explained.

"Why is he so upset then?" Jimin asked looking at the door.

"It's because I'm about to give him the scolding of his life!" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Don't go too hard on him." He said as I headed inside.

"Jungkook, look at me please." I said and he slowly turned his body to face me. "You really scared me today. Do you know that? I told you not to run in the parking lot and you still did it! I told you that it was going to be dangerous and you were fooling around!" I started to raise my voice. "What if that car actually hit you? What if you slipped and hit your head? The outcomes could have been a lot worse than it was and you have to be thankful that you only hurt your arm!" By the end, he was back to sniffling.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to have fun." He slumped his shoulders.

"Jungkook that was being reckless!" I emphasized.

"I know. I'm sorry!" He said louder but I knew it wasn't coming from disrespect. I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"I'll get you some ice." I said as I left the room. I returned with an ice pack and saw that he was still sulking. I handed it to him and then told him to come eat supper. He refused so I let him be as I made myself a quick meal and then finished my day with organizing the fridge and other house chores. Jungkook didn't come out of his room and I figured he fell asleep so I got ready for bed, saying goodnight to Jimin and headed to my room. I turned the lights off and got in the bed but heard a knock soon after.

Jungkook POV:

The guilt was settling into my stomach and it didn't sit well. I shifted in my bed but nothing seemed comfortable. Why didn't Dad spank me? Was it because I got hurt? I started to feel really bad about myself because I worried Dad and I didn't know I worried him that much until now. What if my arm actually broke? What if the car didn't see me? What if I really got seriously injured? I hated making Dad worried and that's exactly what I did today. I decided that getting spanked felt way better than this guilt building up. I walked to Dad's room and knocked on the opened door.

"Dad?" I said. He sat up as I was at the door with tears rolling down.

"Hey Buddy, what's wrong? Does it hurt a lot?" He asked as he gestured me to come closer. I walked up to him and shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I just feel really bad and I feel like you should punish me." I said as another tear rolled down. "The guilt is eating me alive and I feel like I can't- I don't even know!" I said but I think he understood what I meant. He nodded his head told me to turn to the side.

"I'm not making you lean on something because of your arm. Is 10 fair?" He asked me and I nodded my head. With that, he pulled his hand back and swung it down on my bottom. It wasn't a hard swing, but it also wasn't light either.


A couple more came down and I began to fidget but I didn't let out a word. I clenched my jaw and my one hand turned into a fist to distract me from the pain. Another set of 4 came down alternating and I did my best to stay still.


"Are you going to do things that are dangerous and that I specifically tell you not to do?" He asked.

"I won't do it!"


"Are you going to listen to me next time?"



"Done. Are you okay?" He asked. I wiped a tear and nodded my head. "Never in my life would I have had thought you would come ask for a spanking." He said as he patted my back. There was a moment of silence before he looked at me. "Do you want to sleep here tonight?" He asked.

I gave a shy smile and nodded my head.  

2021 A/n: yay!! You are done catching up from where the book disappeared! Thank you for sticking with me and this book! So so so so thankful and I appreciate it very much!! It took exactly a month and I didn't plan it but it just worked out that way. Be kind to yourself and others. Love you guys

QOTD: We are finally back! Which means that next chapter is a brand new chapter! I did already spoil it in a previous chapter in my 2021 a/n. Can you find the spoiler? haha not really a question I guess but I didn't know what else to put.

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