The curious case of Dorian Ashford

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I was laying quietly when a nurse walked in, "how are you feeling now?" She enquired as she removed my sheet and examined the bandage covering the stitches, and went on to examine all of my injuries.

"I am feeling fine" I replied.

"Well, you look fine on the outside." She said with a huge grin and muffled laughter, "are you aware of your tests?"

"I... Yes, I was told that I might need some tests to get done"

"good just wanted to make sure that you are aware and prepared"

I nodded, "I am going to prepare a syringe to extract your blood now, okay?" she then came up to me and folded the sleeve of my hospital gown.

I blinked hastily with my eyes still blinded as the cold liquid touched my skin and then a raw needle penetrated through my skin. Soon the syringe was getting filled with my blood, "so you're Eva?" I asked.

She didn't move a lot as her entire concentration was directed towards blood extraction, when she finally pulled out the needle and stepped back, I sensed her silence, "are you okay?" I asked.

"yes, it's just that, being surrounded by people in pain is sad and just makes me want to wish for some kind of instant cure for everybody."

I chuckled, "I remember feeling the same when I first started in medical..... But you don't get instant cures, you have to wait, try harder each day and pray. That's all you can do."

I imagined a gleam settling in her eyes, "I guess you are right." She hesitated a little after that and suddenly I heard the door close. She was gone.

A few hours later I was moving my fingers when I sensed someone approaching me, "who's it?" I asked. "Olivia?"

The only answer I got was the sound of the door clicking shut.

"It's me" a soothing calm voice warmed me up.


"Yes, how are you now?"

"I am good, how have you been?" I felt his gaze on me and then he sat near me with a little sigh.

"I can see how good you are."

"I'll be fine before we know it.

"You better be" his eyes were on me, or at least he was leaning towards me I could feel it, "I couldn't imagine the pain you are in."

"It's a minor inconvenience."

"For you, maybe." He traced a finger on my arm, "I won't lie I was scared when I first heard"

"You thought I died?" I chuckled.

"No." I imagined his face as straight as a pillar; he didn't seem like a person who enjoys morbid jokes, "I know you wouldn't put me through a pain that intense."

I giggled, it wasn't a happy one, but I did, "how did you know?"

He paused and I knew he was looking at me, his blue eyes deep and piercing, "a lucky coincidence." He shifted in his seat, and it made a little noise, "one of my neighbours was passing through the scene and she recognised you, apparently she had seen you at my house."

I went rigid, "I know, I wasn't careful enough the last time visited, I somehow can't imagine you being worried." On contrary, with all the darkness in front of my eyes, I could easily picture him worrying and rushing to see me.

"I did debate about it, I didn't know if being amongst everyone would be a good idea, I know we shouldn't be seeing each other in a public setting moreover that I shouldn't be here but I couldn't help it," he said leaning on the bed.

"I know how you feel. I have been there..." Before I could continue he placed his hand on mine and stopped it.

"No... Don't do it... Don't remember it... Don't go back there." I knew what he meant and I knew I had to do the hard part.

"I know, it's tough to do this, Dorian. Hiding is exhausting." I took a deep breath, "what if someone sees you?"

He shrugged, shaking the bed, "I don't know, it has been long since I saw any of them, also I made sure no one was here."

"Well, then today you-" before I could finish off my sentence I heard the door open, "Don't come in" I shouted.

"What?" I heard the door shut almost instantly. "What are you doing?"

"Just wait," I said to her and searched for Dorian. "What do we do?"

He snickered, "maybe let her see me."


"I am coming in." And with that, she was inside.

For a very long moment there was silence, "Olivia?"

"What... Wh... What the fuck?" She said, her voice laboured.

"What happened?" I said in mock concern, I wanted to. know what she was hiding from me.

"This... This can't be real?" She stammered.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Is there something on my bed?"

"He... Dorian... Dorian is here."

Before I could even say a word, I heard the door shut loudly.

"What was that?" I asked Dorian who was laughing.

"I will tell you during our next session. However, if Olivia asks.. tell her she never came into your room and I'll take care of the rest and for now, I should go. I hope you recover soon."

"I will see you soon," I said and felt his palm slip in mine.

"Then you should know that I am waiting eagerly for that to happen." With a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, he was gone.

I laid there in silence until the door burst open again, "here... Here.. look" Olivia's staggering voice cracked my ears.

"Where?" Tanner's voice was repulsive.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I saw him here, Kiara, Dorian was here wasn't he?"

"Dorian?" I asked in complete fake innocence, "also when did you come in?"

There was a long silence, "I. I just came in Kiara, you were talking to Dorian."

I waited for a second, "Olivia, I have been awake for an hour and you did not come in."

I heard shuffling, Tanner most probably dragged Olivia outside. I wanted to go and listen but I couldn't my legs didn't permit me. However, Nikolai walked in like an angel, "why is Tanner calling Olivia a crackhead over and over again." He said and sat down.

I giggled, "she thinks she saw someone with me, while she didn't even come in my room."

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, they are hiding something from me."

I felt Nikolai looking at me, "and does that relate to Olivia being a crackhead and that she's going insane and that soon she'll have to see you in her office?"

I chuckled, "maybe....yes...maybe she's losing her mind, finally." A feeling of rage flourished through me. Pretending was tough but I had to, so I did

After a few days, Olivia was still asking me about Dorian while I still denied it. What shocked me was that they asked Nikola to help them gain the CCTV footage, which he sincerely denied.

The hospital even warned Olivia that they cannot provide footage just to make sure she saw someone, while no one else did.

I was keeping track of days. I had lost 5 of them and I hadn't heard from Dorian since. I wondered how he was doing.

But it wasn't even my least of worries, in comparison to what was coming.

Faceless InstinctsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara