Out Of Hands

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In the morning I found myself half sitting on the bed. I might have dozed off while working, what surprised me was Nikolai's head in my lap.

I rested my head against the wall and took a deep breath. Looking down at him I could see his eyelids were swollen and I knew instantly that he had been crying.

I couldn't bring myself to move so I stayed there for thirty more minutes until he stirred. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, he pulled up his head for a moment and I took the moment of opportunity to move a little.

He immediately kept his head down and clutched me, I felt helpless and weak so I just stayed there waiting for him to get up.

After breakfast, we both came back into the room and he started to pick up his bag, "where's your stuff?" He asked, his eyes red and a little swollen

"Exactly where I left it last night," I said and grabbed my shoulder bag.

"Why?" he asked in a small voice.

"Because I will come back here at night," I said and reached for the door, "I have no desire of sharing a roof for another night with you," I said pointedly.

"That's stupid," he said in a snotty way, "every night you spend away from me will only result into hours that we....waste"

His words were true and I hated him for it, "fine" I grabbed my bag and collected all of my stuff, "but I get a separate room."

He smirked, "Fine by me, it's not like I am dying for you."

I was saying goodbye to Will and Xavier while Nikolai checked out for us. I saw Lucy lingering by the Iron gates of the garden in hopes of getting my attention.

"Let's go," Nikolai said grabbing our bags in one hand while taking my hand in another.

"Wait," I said and set myself free, "you go ahead, I'll be there"

He looked at me in confusion but knew better than starting an argument. After he walked ahead I went to Lucy "you weren't going to say goodbye to me grace?" I said as I reached near her.

She took my hand and I saw tears pooling in her eyes, "why are you crying?"

She shook her head and I embraced her, "I will visit you, I promise." I said and she tugged on my hand, "what happened?"

She clutched my hand and started walking, taking me through the garden and into the room I was staying in, "Is everything okay Lucy?" I said as she locked the door behind her and then went on to close the windows too.

"Do you want to tell me something?" I guessed and started to pull out a notepad for her, in case she did.

"I will not be needing that" my eyes went wide as the voice filled the room. I slowly turned towards her, "you can keep that back"

"Lucy?" I said stupefied, "you... You can speak?"

"Indeed I can... I was just told to shut up a very long time ago." I reached out for her and she held my hands. All of sudden she seemed small and fragile.

"Why.. what?... I don't understand"

"I knew from the start that you are here for something very important and my doubt turned into assurance when the elder Ashford son showed up."

"I... I am sorry Lucy, I know I lied but I had no other way"

"I know, and this is why I appreciate you for what you are doing, Sussanne deserves justice and I know you'll bring it to her."

Faceless InstinctsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz