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As soon as the sun came up the rim I sprung out of the bed and got ready. I didn't care for the breakfast, so I simply made myself a coffee and soon enough I was on the road.

I needed to make sure that I got enough time with Nikolai to perform my plan perfectly but I needed enough time with Dorian as well.

I navigated the streets with sleek precision and arrived at the police station. I got out of the car and stood at the curb looking up at the building. It was only 7 in the morning and the station was already bustling.

At first, I thought I would go in, but it didn't seem reasonable. I can't reveal or indicate any sort of emergency from my side.

So I decided to wait there for a while, I took out my phone and texted Nikolai, "hey"

His reply wasn't instantaneous but it wasn't too delayed either, soon my phone chimed, "Hey good morning."

"Good morning... How are you"

"Crispy in the morning air, how about you? What made you think of me so early in the morning"

I hesitated, lying wasn't a good feeling, "well I was on my way to my office so I just thought I'd stop and say hello"

"You are at the station?" I could sense his surprise even through the message.

"Yes, but it felt odd to come in so I just stood outside and thought I'd text you first" I was about to hit send when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello there." Nikolai walked confidently towards me.

I stood upright as he came closer, "hey"

"You look nice" he leaned forward and gave me a small hug

"Well I wouldn't show up at your workplace in my PJs now, would I," I said and he gave out a hearty laugh.

"I wouldn't mind that either. So, what made you stop here?"

Chuckling I tucked a hair stand behind my ear, "well, You just seem to be present in my way wherever I go so I just thought I'll take you along and start with a good morning. Although I didn't know police stations were this busy so early, I wouldn't have come if I knew."

Did he look at me for a few seconds, studying me? Analysing me? Doubting me? But soon he spoke, "Yeah, who knows maybe we have the same destinations and God just wants us to cut some travelling costs so he is pinning us together, eh?." He said in a smooth motion and I chuckled.

A sudden rock of guilt hit me as the events of the previous night flooded my brain, and I realised how my current action was the reflection of those events, "so, You stopped simply for a hey?"

"Like I said I just stopped to say hey but now it seems stupid." I gave a nervous laugh to prove my point.

"Well it's not, it's nice that you thought about it."

"Well if you say so, I trust you." Words like trust in an uncertain statement does make one believe you.

"I am sensing that you want to say something," he said looking at me intently.

"You are a good policeman" I looked hesitantly at him, "well, I know that we met yesterday, but I was thinking if you are free any day during this week"

A small smile crept at the corner of his mouth as he looked down at me and gently nodded "I am actually"

"That's nice, do you have plans?"

"Not yet"

"So... Would you like to go out?"

He huffed a laugh and nodded, "I would love to." He said and looked at me for a second longer "I am glad you think that we should meet again, I wanted to ask for a second meeting but I won't lie I was afraid"

I giggled, "I scared a cop?"

"Well, in the end, I am a man and you are a woman no matter how big and brave I am, I'll fear you always" he made a defeated face as he said that and I laughed.

He looked around and stood straight, "though I will let you go now and get back to work myself, I mean I would have stood here longer but criminals won't lock themselves in jail"

"Haha, I wouldn't want you to miss out on them, and also let me know when you are free. Have a great day"

With that, he smiled and turned to walk inside.

I stood there watching his back and feeling a heavy weight on my chest. Which I knew was about to get heavier.

I got in the car, turned on the ignition and drove towards the old colony, hoping to find Dorian

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