The Car Crash

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Dorian's words were propelling in my mind as I drove back to my home. I knew I needed to extract information out of him to piece it together, but every time I tried doing that the only thing I found was a delicate man.

I knew he was strong but his emotional layer was somehow harshly altered and it made it difficult for me to ease him into talking to me. Moreover, I found myself enchanted whenever I was around him. I couldn't concentrate and I always ended up doing so less of what I had intended to achieve with him.

I drove past the police station and glanced inside in the hopes of seeing Nikolai. I needed to find a place where I could talk to him. I made a mental note of reserving a good place. If only there was a way where I could have done this alone and wouldn't have to involve him.

My instincts were stooping towards the fact that Dorian was more than what he looked like. I wanted to believe in it but every time I saw him I found nothing wrong.

The idea of asking Nikolai for his help has suddenly started to seem like a wrong discretion. My mind was obfuscated, the smoke was clogging all chambers that I could use to think. Another aspect that plodded in my mind was about my wrong judgement, what if I had misunderstood the entire scenario last night?

Although appeasing the idea of being wrong was, I couldn't just slide away from the fact that my people knew something dark enough to make them keep me away from Dorian.

I felt exhausted. To think I had taken a time off from work to relax, now working was more relaxing than dealing with this. For once I wanted to be alone, little did I knew that my life was planning to turn itself into a complete blunder.

I was too distracted to look around, enjoy the scenery. I frustratingly glanced at the red light in distance ahead and then at the timer next to it, 13 seconds remaining. I loved winter, snow and a cosy time at home. This winter however was converting into the most heated time of my life.

I had ignored several texts and calls from my friends and Mr Wembley. I know they cared for me but last night had scarred something in me and I wasn't going to let it heal until I knew the truth.

My thoughts came to full circle with that and once again Dorian's words about him wanting me to find the truth about him webbed in my mind. I felt more tired than I ever had, I was getting these rippling headaches and sudden dizziness.

It took me a second to realise that I wasn't just thinking about the dizziness but I was experiencing it at the moment. Panic grew in my gut as I tried to consolidate myself and ran a hand on my face.

My vision was growing blurry and I felt drops of sweat on my forehead. I shut my eyes tightly to recoup a clear vision but it only got worse, the light was fading ahead of me, I tried shaking myself up but it only made my head grow more dazed.

A pointed pain rose from the back of my head and I saw the red light looming, but in the process of losing control over my vision and my mind growing more confused I, h, t the accelerator instead of the break.

My mind did gain a little consciousness because of the loud thud! on my right followed by a huge crusade against my chest I was now losing my momentum, I felt as light as air, it seemed like I was lifted above my seat and then I felt a jerk on the top of my head as It slammed into something.

It didn't stop there, as fast as I had raised from my seat I was thrown sideways, as my shoulder got knocked to the window. I tried holding something but the entire cycle happened so shortly that I couldn't assimilate any of my moves.

My vision was still not up to par, it was so blurred that the glass of my car seemed like it was broken. A loud honk of a truck pierced my eardrum. A screeching metal sound was cutting through my mind.

I felt everything getting heated, my skin was so hot and sweaty, I felt a liquid journey down my neck, my arm and my eye. My head felt like it has been smashed, my brain was playing tricks, and I knew I wasn't going to make it, I needed to stop.

I tried stepping on the break and I think I did because suddenly everything came to a halt. I felt the last push and I knew I wasn't moving anymore. As soon as my brain got this message, it relaxed.

Next and the last thing that I felt before forfeiting all senses was the feeling of laying on something hot and hard

A bright light did flash on my face, I heard people but I was in too much pain to pay attention to them, I just laid there as my head fell on the nearest surface it could find to rest.

The last of my senses allowed me to hear a commotion, then a whisper desperately calling my name, "Kiara?" 

My skin felt hot and my heat wet, I felt someone near me, a pair of hands touched my face and I couldn't tell who it was.

The images had blurred out so thickly that everything was blotchy and when at last o felt a drag on my skin I heard the voice again, "stay with me, please."

One more drag, "breath... stay with me" but it wasn't enough to bring me back and I finally immersed myself into the darkness.

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