Tanner's Missing

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Nikolai immediately stopped the car in the dead of the road.

"How long was your phone even switched off?" He asked with a horrified expression.

"I... I don't know, I didn't check it after we discovered Amy."

Nikolai gave me a look of disbelief, "you didn't check your phone in a situation like this Kiara?"

Dread filled my gut. I had no idea what was going on. I hadn't talked to either of them since Christmas night and had no idea what they were up to.

"Does any of you have a key to his place?" Nikolai asked pulling out his phone.

I fidgeted with my phone nervously, "yes, I do but why?"

He typed something on his phone rapidly and then called someone, although he disconnected the call before it was received and started driving, "call Olivia in forty-fifty minutes and tell her to give your key to Tanner's place to an officer that will be there in an hour. "

"An officer?" I looked at him through the straining light.

"Calling Olivia right after you discovered those messages could be a bad call for two reasons. Her phone might be tapped and your location can be traced. We are still in the city, I want to be as far as possible before giving away that we have left town."

He was intelligent and sharp, there was no doubt in that. Every step he took was calculated, he was considering everyone's safety and it was heartwarming as well as chilling, as an unwanted thought crept into my mind. This is exactly how he must have calculated every step he took and considered everything that I would do and think while he was lying to me. He hadn't changed at all. Just became cleaner.

I shook my head to remove that thought from my brain and looked ahead, heart pumping and mind-boggling.

We were an hour into our drive and I called Olivia and she picked up in a moment, "Kiara."

"Olivia-" I started but Nikolai held my hand to stop me.

He made me put down the phone on my thigh and whispered, "don't tell her that we are coming back and don't mention that the person who's there is a police officer, tell her that Tanner called and he is fine - tell her that he is with us and that's his friend who needs the key. Put the phone on speaker, I'll tell my friend."

I listened carefully and brought the phone back to my ear, "Hey, Olivia. sorry,y, the network's crazy here, can you hear me?"

"Yeah... Yes, I can hear you now. Where have you been?" She sighed in exasperation, "I have been trying to reach you for hours now."

"I am so sorry we-" Nikolai squeezed my hand and shook his head in a no.

"We?" She repeated.

"We... Uh... We.. have been a little busy." I said and there was a long pause on the other side and Nikolai shook his head, he mouthed, you are stupid.

"You and Nikolai?" She whispered.

"That doesn't matter right now, Olivia, what matters is why were you trying to reach me?"

"I can't reach Tanner."

"What do you mean?"

"Tanner left for Goldbridge the next morning after you called on Christmas night. He didn't want to tell you about it and all he said was that he had found something and he won't tell anyone but you. We were in touch but I am unable to reach h since yesterday morning." Her voice was shaking and trembling. I could feel her fear even through the phone.

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