Brewing Storm

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I was waiting at a red light after saying goodbye to Nikolai when our conversation clouded my head. Even though it was good that the police hasn't found anything that could lead them to Dorian's little blunder, a mystery for me was how?

Above that my suspicion on Dorian had undoubtedly grown. If someone from inside has helped him get in, then it was rather dangerous. Someone I know was helping him.

This also raised questions about Dorian's honesty. What if he was lying? But those marks? He did seem genuine, he did sit through an entire session.

My head felt like it had a storm was raging inside me. I was indeed indignant. I felt betrayed. I needed answers, I wanted to know the truth and I wanted to know it right now. 

The suspicion and suspense were darkening my mind, so it didn't take me too much time to make up my mind, I required answers.

Soon I was pulling up on Dorian's street. It was eerily silent and completely drowned in darkness, not a single soul was in sight. I pulled up in front of Dorian's house.

The house was intimidating and daunting. It stood up high in the face and as gorgeous as it looked in the gleaming lights of street lamps, it looked mysterious and chilling in the dark. I looked at it for a long time, it was completely bathed in darkness and I wasn't sure if Dorian was even home. I reconsidered my judgment of going in there, but I had to solidify myself.

I got out of my car and walked towards the house. The gap between the broken cobblestones we're filled with water, clouds were rumbling again and the only light available was of the fading moon. I stepped closer to the fence door and opened it,  I walked inside and looked around, the roses appeared black in the dark and swayed with the wind, I stopped to smell the closest one but before I could even lean closer it's a petal scattered on the ground.

I retreated myself, maybe the flowers were too fragile to face the dark weather. I made my way further into the house and stepped on the porch and knocked.

I had waited for about 5 minutes to get an answer from inside but failed.
I was about to leave when I heard an odd breaking sound from inside. My nerves weakened,  could that be Dorian?

I turned sharply and banged on the door, "Dorian?" I called out. "Dorian are you in there?" I banged at the door again and touched my ear at the door, but everything inside seems as quiet as it could get, nothing moved no one spoke and then I heard a tapping sound. I tried the doorknob but it was locked from inside. I beat my fist at the door again but to no avail, "Dorian?" I tried turning the doorknob, "if you're inside please open the door"

When I got no response I turned around to find a way in, I couldn't just run away, something could have gone wrong. The flashes of memories filled my mind.
Bruises! Scars! What if Dorian was doing all of this to himself? What if he was hurting himself but wasn't aware of it?

Questions filled my mind, every possible reasoning came flooding into my head, but it all ended at the same question. What if Dorian mind was tricking him into harming himself or was he tricking me?

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