It Ends Tonight

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"Mr Wembley." My mouth went dry as the colour left my body while I watched him descend the platform and walk to the middle of the circle.

All the men stood up at once and disappeared into the shadows with bowed heads. I watched them as Mr Wembley opened his arms, "Dorian." He said in a loving voice and Dorian, at once walked in his embrace.

I was wordless, I didn't know how to acknowledge this scene unfolding right in front of my sight. My heart was pumping at an erratic rate and I was sweating. All of a sudden I was highly aware of all my injuries and wounds because each of them started hurting.

My brain tried to ameliorate the panic that grew in my core. I looked around and all I saw were men covered in strange clothes and masks.

Apprehension crept into my mind as I realised, I just might not make it alive out of here. What petrified me, even more, was the fact that it was not just Mr Wembley, it was Dorian as well.

All of this time while Nikolai and I bled and cried to find out what was hurting him, he was hurting us.

"Kiara." Mr Wembley said as he walked towards me and I stepped back, "don't be afraid, I am still the same."

"You'd think." I squabbled and the corner of his mouth twitched, but he didn't stop smiling and kept coming forwards.

"Don't be so astonished child." He said as he finally stood in front of me and placed a palm on my shoulder.

His face was blood ridden, rage, complexity, sadness, hurt and revenge were all intertwined in his eyes as a fearful yet cruel smile plastered on his lips.

"I don't understand," I whimpered, tears blurring my vision.

"And that is your problem." He said plainly, "you never understand."

"Why would you-" he raised his palm to stop me and turned around.

"Dorian." He called out and Dorian walked towards him, "where are the others." He asked.

"They are still in the forest." His words were tough but I saw a glint of sadness in them.

"Dorian, why are you doing this?" I asked stepping towards him and he looked at me with a grim impression. I held in his arms and he held on to mine, "Nikolai wanted you back, there's not a stone that he left unturned to find you. Why are you doing this?" I exhorted and pleaded but he just looked at me with his glass eyes.

"Kiara, I asked you to stop, didn't I?" Mr Wembley's voice came from behind me.

"But I didn't." I said and looked him in the eyes, "and I won't."

Mr Wembley clicked his tongue and removed his robe, "Kiara, it the stubbornness that has landed you here."

"Oh please." I sneered, "it's not my stubbornness, it was my mere care that brought me here." I shot Dorian a sharp look and he cocked his head. "And to think you still feel so incredible whilst doing this disgusting act is beyond my understanding."

My mind was racing and as long as I looked at Mr Wembley every single piece started to fall in place. I realised how Dorian was seeing Mr Wembley before he met me, I recalled the marks on his neck. I instantly rushed towards Dorian and removed his muffler, inspecting his neck closely.

"These are not some sort of torture or unexplained marks." I looked in his eyes with dread, "you're a member." I looked at Mr Wembley and back to Dorian, "I thought you got these when you were a kid."

Dorian looked down at me with a glint in his eyes, "I did." He whispered gently, "after my mother died I thought my father locked him in the shed, but one night when I went to look, it wasn't him." He told me in a soft and scared tone, "it was-" he looked at Mr Wembley, "it was Mr Wembley, trying to open the trap door."

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