The Spreading Poison

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I was sitting on the bed, reeling from the exchange I just had with Amy. She wanted me to see something, my mind was racing about all the possibilities. What could she possibly show me?

I had one record straight; Amy knew Dorian. She probably knew better about his history with Olivia and Tanner than I do; only if whatever I knew could be settled as proper information.

I was impatient to find out what it was, but right now I had other things to deal with. I got ready and was about to walk downstairs when Nikolai emerged in the stairwell, "let me help you" he said as he climbed up and took my hand, "act normal, but things are pretty heated between them" he shot a look at Tanner and Olivia.

Our stride slowed down automatically, "why?" I asked.

"Seems like they are having differences regarding Amy"

"Do you know why?"

"I tried hearing but they saw me snooping around and stopped"

"Nice spying officer," I said mockingly and he made a face.

After we were settled Olivia started serving the dinner which smelled like it came straight from heaven, I realized how the last proper meal I had was on the night of my birthday when it all started.

The chitchat on the table was light, Tanner and Olivia didn't slip any sign of something being amiss between them.

However, I watched as Nikolai kept a sharp on them, he was occasionally glancing at me and Olivia was inspecting my comfort now and then.

"I adore having dinners like these, with friends," said Olivia, raising her fifth beer bottle.

"We had one about a week ago," I said.

"But Nikolai wasn't there, but today he is" she clicked her bottle with Nikolai's and looked at me, "To you"

My brows furrowed in amusement, was she drunk already?"

"To the pure would that you possess, to the struggles you have been through, the blain, the sheer---" her words became sloppy as she started blabbing but before she could continue, Tanner stepped in.

"I guess that's her peak, I'll take her into the room and crash myself, " Nikolai will you help Kiara?"

He took a sip of his whiskey and nodded, "yes yes... Don't worry, I will"

After the lights of Tanner and Olivia's room went out Nikolai stood up and stretched his hand, "come on" he said.

"Where?" I asked looking at his outstretched hand.

"Trust me?"


He made that clicking sound from his mouth, "tsk?" and shrugged in question.

I laughed, "okay but where are we going?"

"To your room," he said as I stood up.

"Sorry, what!?" I stared at him.

"Tsk?" He looked at me, "what? What? Not for something like that, crapbrain"

I sighed and laughed at the same time.

After we walked to my room, he grabbed two blankets and then took me by the window, and we stood there watching the snowfall ever so slowly, I looked at him expectantly, "it's beautiful" I said.

But instead of responding, he stepped out of the window and stood on the roof, "Nikolai, what are you doing, you will fall" I panicked.

"Sorry but I didn't become a policeman without training, but come on it is your turn" he stretched both his arms to hold me.

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