Chapter 25- June 11th

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Chapter 25

June 11th

Tears swell up in my eyes as I glance at myself in the mirror, the white dress sparkles in the sunlight as my hair flows down my back in curls. I have to keep taking deep breaths so my tears don't fall but when the diamond necklace gets places around my neck I can't help myself.

Mrs. Kim smiles as she clasps the back of the necklace and meets my gaze in the mirror "She'd want you to have them" I choke back a sob as I touch the diamond on my neck, flashes of Grandma Kim come into view.

She had shown me the necklace when I first started dating Taehyung. She wore it on her wedding day and passed it on to Mrs Kim on her wedding day and now I had the honor of wearing them. Mrs. Kim wipes at her eyes and laughs lightly

"Aish look at us, let me get some tissues"

I smile and turn when the door opens and in comes Eonjin and Taerin "Wow" Taerin gasps her eyes sparkling up at me "you look just like a princess Eomma" I chuckle and kneel down to kiss her cheeks "You do to bub" I mumble as she does a twirl in her dress.

"Seriously Taehyung is going to lose it when he sees you walking down the isle"

Eonjin grins, dabbing at her own eyes. Mrs Kim hands me a tissue and then dabs her eyes as well before grabbing hold of my hand "It's about time you join the family officially" I chuckle as does Eonjin "and look how beautiful grandmas baby looks aigo" she coos as Taerin spins again. This girl.

"I think it's about time"

Eonjin says listening to the music, I nod my head as she opens the door and we head out. We were on jeju island, Taehyung had always said it was the perfect place to get married so that's where we decided to tie the knot. It was beautiful out today and thankful it wasn't too hot, the spot we had was outdoors and covered in flowers. I had told Taehyung I didn't want a big wedding, I just wanted something small with our loved ones and thankfully he agreed.

I start to feel nervous when I see Mr. Kim come into view, his eyes crinkle as his smile widens. Mrs. Kim gives him a kiss and one last glance at me before she disappears down the isle and to her seat. "You look stunning" I smile as mr Kim kisses my cheek, "just breath I got you"

I nod listening to his words as I glance down at Taerin, Minguk was already in the front row with Eonjin. We had agreed to only have Taerin walk down the isle, no bridesmaids or groomsmen just me and Tae and our flower girl. Taehyung insisted Tani and Minguk be the keeper of the rings though, so naturally they were both dressed in tux's.

Music plays and Taerin happily takes her place and heads down the isle, I smile getting a peak of her tossing flowers and smiling wide. She gives everyone a show by tossing the flower petals dramatically and almost dancing down the isle. I couldn't with this girl.

Mr. Kim takes my hand as we prepare to go next "I hope you both have a long and happy life together" he mumbles smiling down at me "we can only hope to have a great marriage like you and Mrs Kim" he chuckles and nods

"As long as Taehyungie learns your always right I think you two will be fine" I chuckle at that as the music starts to play "We're up sweetheart"

Winter Cubs | KTHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora