Chapter 6- Houses

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Jin smiles wide and opens his arms as Taerin runs into them. "Yah there's my princess, did you eat?" Taerin hugs him tightly before pulling back and pretending to think if she's eaten or not knowing that she just had a late lunch.

"No Seokjinnie they're starving me"

"Yah! Don't say untruthful things like that" Tae shouts making jin and Taerin smile, Jin scoops the bub up with ease as the other members appear from every which way. "You guys sure you can handle her without us? It's really no trouble we can take her with"

"Y/n-ah do you not trust us?"

Hoseok asks being extra dramatic in throwing in a gasp as well as clutching his chest. Taerin giggles earning a smile from her hope. "No I trust you guys it's this one I don't trust" now Taerin is gasping, I smile and get on my tiptoes to kiss her nose. Jin lowers her from his arms so I don't have to struggle so much.

"Please be good and don't be too bossy, also no sweets tonight you have to get up early"

This causes her to pout which makes Taehyung pout and take her from
Jin's arms. "You can have one sweet" Tae mumbles into her ear "I can hear you" Tae laughs and continues to kiss our girl up. I adored seeing the love between them, for not being in her life for very long they had a very good relationship.

"You guys act like your leaving for a week your going to look at houses for a few hours get out of here"

I roll my eyes listening to Yoongi's monotone voice, this only causes him to smirk. "Okay let's go my love, be good baby bear" Tae puts her on Yoongi's lap now causing him to groan and Taerin to giggle and cling to him more.

"Oh uncle Meow so cute"

"Make sure the house you pick has a few extra rooms so we can sleep over!" Jimin shouts, a few other mumbles agree and then we are out the door.


The first two we look at are nothing like I pictured for a cute family home. Taehyung can tell I'm not feeling them by the look on my face. "We can look further out my love it's not a problem" I melt as his deep voice travels through my ears and his lips press against my neck. I lull my head back against his chest as his hands move over my baby bump. I smile at the size of his hand on it, he gently rubs in slow circles causing me to relax completely.

"Mmm we can't tae, you need to be close to work and Taerin's school is here. I'll just...adjust."

I can feel his smile against my skin before he places one more gentle kiss "we will find a place, plus you make every place feel cozy and at home" I smile and before I can say anything else the real estate agent comes back in.

"Don't worry Mrs Kim, we have plenty of other houses to look at and i think you'll like the next one. Sorry I overheard a bit of your conversation"

Why was everyone calling me that? Taehyung smirks at the name and licks those delicious lips slowly "it's just y/n and I'm looking forward to the next place"

"You know your bound to be Mrs Kim eventually so you might as well get used to the name my love"

I shiver at the smooth silky voice in my ear again, Taehyung chuckles before stepping away and pulling me towards the exit so we can look at the next place.


The drive to the next place is a bit further than I expected but I enjoy the drive, Taehyung sings softly as one hand is on the baby and the other on the steering wheel. I wonder if he had plans to purpose soon...but would it be too soon? We had only been together for a short while. Not like we didn't spend a few years dating but still I wasn't sure if the thought had crossed his mind.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

I smile over at him, he gives me a few quick glances. That mischievous smile playing on his lips "I'm just happy" I respond grabbing at his free hand and kissing the back of it.

"Happy looks good on you...Mrs Kim"

I slap his hand away and he laughs "So easily flustered today aren't we my love" I do my best to hide my smile but my cheeks deceive me. "Don't worry my love I'll do everything in my power to keep that smile on your face, and to keep our Cubs happy healthy and safe"

God I loved him.

"A bit early to be stating vows isn't it?"

I tease hoping to catch him off guard but he only smiles wider "Never Mrs Kim"

"Eyes on the road mr Kim I think we're arriving"

His boxy smile is as big as ever as he pulls into the longer driveway, I'm happy to see that we even have a driveway and not to mention the greenery. This was not what I was expecting, I lean forward to get a better view as the house comes into focus. It was gorgeous.

"I had no idea a place like this existed here" Tae mumbles looking at the house as well "let's hope the inside is perfect too" I mumble a bit more excited than I expected. But god was it gorgeous so much greenery and room for the kids and even tani to play. Plus it was quite private for being so close to the city.

"I have a good feeling my love"

The home was a modern build but still felt homey in a way, the kitchen was to die for and not to mention the backyard that opened up into the living room. It consisted of 6 bedrooms which in my opinion seemed a bit much but Taehyung convinced me that we needed room for the kids and not to mention the members and his family.

There was no doubt that they'd all want to spend a weekend or a few days here to visit especially with the new baby on the way. But what really sold me was the back room with floor length windows looking into the garden, Taehyung said it would make a perfect at home studio for me. It was perfect, I wanted to move in right away.

"Let's buy it"

I laugh a little but Tae seems serious "Are you sure? We've only seen 3 houses" he chuckles and kisses my forehead "Yeah but no other house is going to give you that sparkle in your eye" I'm not sure why but I felt like crying, Tae chuckles seeing my glossy eyes and kisses my lips

"welcome home my love, we have plenty of rooms to fill"

I slap his hand away from the baby and he chuckles even more "I'm just saying we can keep popping out all these beautiful babies with this house" I shake my head only making him laugh more "let's go do some paperwork Mrs Kim"

Kim Taehyung aka the death of me.

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