Chapter 4- Panic Attack

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Taehyung POV

I wake up to an empty bed and my heart suddenly starts racing "y/n?" I sit up getting ready to search the house when her head pokes into the room. I instantly relax as her smiling eyes meet mine.

"Well good Morning mr. Kim"

I smirk at the playfulness in her voice "I made breakfast, you seemed to have overslept. Anything exciting happen last night?" She teases as she sets the tray of food down, I reach out and pull her close to me so I can kiss that baby bump and then her lips. I still couldn't believe that this was my life, I couldn't be happier these days. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dealing with anxiety and stress.

I kept getting the feeling that it was all going to be taken away from me or that someone might actually hurt y/n. I felt on edge all the time and I hated it. That's why I preferred her and my Cubs to be with me at all times or at least with our security so I know they are safe.

"There may have been some exciting activities..." I watch the blush on her cheeks before kissing her face up once more. "Where is my baby bear?" Y/n settles into my lap before scooping up some of the food she made me and putting it to my mouth.

"School, Your Eomma came and got her this morning and she as well as your appa are going to pick her up today. They miss her and want to spend the day with her"

I nod at that before there is a knock at the door "Are you guys decent?" Y/n blushes but chuckles at Jimin's dramatic actions as he enters the room "Yes, what do you want?" Jimin peeks out from behind his tiny hand not like it was really protecting him from seeing if we were naked.

"We have to go in three minutes so might want to get dressed Taehyungah but I'll take this beauty off your hands"

I slap his hand away as he reaches for y/n, which only causes him to laugh harder. Y/n giggles as well before cupping my face and giving me one of those sweet tender kisses that only leave me wanting more.

"Get dressed, Jimin will escort me to the car" I pout but Jimin doesn't skip a beat as he takes y/n from me and leads her towards the door. "Have a good day my love and be safe"


"Taehyung focus"

I look up at an annoyed Hoseok and smile sheepishly "Sorry Hyung" he can't stay mad at me especially if I act cute for him. I do my best to stay focused though, my anxiety was slowly consuming me today. I did my best to shake it off but it kept nagging at me, something just felt off.

"Yah what's going on with you?"

I look up and see the members staring at me, they don't look upset but rather concerned "Taehyungah breath" I blink a few times and see Yoongi in front of me, his hands are on my shoulders as he coaches me through my breathing. What was wrong with me? "You okay?" I nod but continue doing what Yoongi tells me to do.

"You're having a panic attack, just breath your okay. We're right here with you"

A panic attack? I haven't had one of those in years. What caused it? It takes me a while but I finally slow my breathing down and feel somewhat normal again. Yoongi stays by my side though making sure I'm actually okay. The rest of the members look nervous and slightly anxious themselves.

"Here drink some water Taehyungah"

I weakly smile at Jimin and take a sip which makes him smile. "You okay?" His voice comes out in a whisper and I nod. "Yeah I'm okay, I'm sorry I don't know what happened" Hoseok looks upset and shakes his head "Sorry Taehyungah it was my fault I was pushing you too hard"

"No Hyung it's not that, I was feeling off before practice I'm sorry I should of said something" he weakly smiles but I know he doesn't believe me and will beat himself up about it.

"I promise y/n is fine"

I glance over at Yoongi as well as the rest of the guys. "I know you've been stressing out about her and Taerin's safety but they are fine I promise. Don't feel upset or guilty over the situation you guys are in, it will work out and they'll be safe. We have security with them"

I smile a little at that "That obvious?" Yoongi chuckles as do Jin and Namjoon "Yes, but Hyung is right they will be okay" Namjoon adds as he pats my shoulder. "For a second there you sounded cool hyung" jungkook adds nudging Yoongi's side. This causes laughter as Yoongi's cheeks turn a shade of pink.

"Let's wrap things up for the day we can start early tomorrow"


Before we head home I make our driver stop at a local shop so I can get my girls some flowers "I won't be long" Jimin nods "Get me a surprise too please" I shake my head as he laughs and pulls out his phone.  "We will see what I can find"

Maybe I'll get him a pacifier cause he seems to be more needy than Taerin lately, I chuckle to myself as I gaze through the flowers. I see roses in the shape of a bear and instantly I see my little girls face "Those are definitely for the cub" I smile looking at them and then continue my search for y/n's flowers.


I glance over my shoulder expecting a fan possibly but to my unfortunate surprise it's her.

The one girl I've been dreading on seeing. "What do you want?" I straighten up and glare over at the evil that is in front of me. She smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear "I just wanted to say hey, and congratulations. Your daughter Taerin is beautiful. Thankfully she looks like you and not like her mother"

"Don't you dare speak her name or even mention my wife"

The last word seems to catch her off guard, I didn't mean to say wife but she was like my wife and she is going to be my wife at some point soon here I hope. She composes herself quickly though

"I really don't see what you see in her, you went from all of this to that" she laughs and I feel my fist tighten for some reason "You'll get board soon, you always do Taehyung. But don't worry baby I'll be patient and wait for you" her fingers run down my chest and I step back not wanting her filthy hand touching me.

"Stay away from me and especially stay away from my family. You hear me?"

She just smirks at me before brushing past me "I'll see you soon Taehyung"


Happy Monday loves
Kind of a shorter chapter
Today. Enjoy

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