Chapter 23- Settling into parenthood

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Three months later

"Uncle meow you're making a mess"

Yoongi looks over at Taerin and laughs as she hands him a rag to wipe her brothers face. He fusses as Yoongi wipes the milk that was dripping from his mouth to his neck "it's okay Mingukie uncle is new at this still"

Taerin cheeses kissing her brothers head gently. Yoongi chuckles and places the bottle back into his mouth, the hungry boy Hums happily as he drinks his breakfast. "You're doing very good uncle so proud of you" Taerin cheeses kissing the mans cheek, Yoongi blushes feeling flustered by the whole situation.

He didn't ask to babysit, not that he was alone y/n and Taehyung were sleeping and his Hyung was cooking when the small boy woke up. So Seokjin got him situated with the baby boy so he can continue to cook and let the new parents get some rest.

"Uncle do you think I'm pretty?"

Yoongi looks at Taerin a bit confused "Why you ask such a thing?" Taerin casts her eyes down and  messes with her fingers "Um well you see there is this new girl in class and she's kind of mean if I'm being truthful and Seungjae likes playing with her more than me"

Yoongi shakes his head "I knew I didn't like that kid, listen here princess don't you ever let anyone make you feel less worthy you hear me? You're very beautiful and you should know your worth, you keep being the amazing you we all know and love and if that little shit doesn't see how amazing you are then he's not worth your time"

"Yah language"

Seokjin shouts as he makes his way over to us "But your uncle is right princess, you're beautiful you have to love yourself remember."
Just then Tani starts to bark as some familiar faces come in the door, Yoongi cradles Minguk as he stirs in his arms.

"Thanks uncle, seungjae is a little shit"

Taerin whispers making Yoongi laugh "Yah! don't say that out loud or I'll get me in trouble" Taerin giggles and then gets up to go greet the boys.

"There's my favorite flower"

Hoseok smiles as Taerin runs to him. He lifts her up and spins her making her giggle, Namjoon and Jimin go and take seats next to Yoongi so they can see the baby boy as Jungkook goes straight for the food.

Taehyung's POV

I glance at the clock and yawn before I roll over and see y/n sleeping soundly. I smile and kiss her forehead before I turn towards her completely, I can hear the boys in the kitchen and I smile. I was grateful for them for letting us get some sleep, I hadn't realized how hard it was going to be with a newborn.

He's three months now and still I find myself feeling overwhelmed and like I'm doing everything wrong. Y/n assures me I'm doing amazing but I still feel helpless sometimes, like when we run out of milk and I have to wake her to pump or feed him. It was just hard these days but I wouldn't change it for anything.

My baby boy was perfect and Taerin was beyond helpful, she was the best big sister and Mingukie loved her. Always smiling and babbling when she comes into view it made my heart smile.

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