Chapter 13- Always something

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Chapter 13

If it wasn't one thing it was another, the boys had tweeted out some photos with Taerin last night which wasn't the issue. They were very cute and Army was going crazy for them it was the next set of photos that were being released that caused all the commotion.

My family.

They were all over the internet, my mom my sister, Taerin and a cute pregnant y/n. Someone had taken photos of them at the grocery store the other day and decided to leak them out. I mean the fans were bound to find out eventually about our baby boy but I had gone years without having my family in the media. Given a lot of people seemed more interested in y/n and Taerin than in my mother and sister but still it was quite upsetting.

They had to have someone doing their dirty work in order to get photos like this. And only one person came to mind. Her. She had been trying to stir shit up with y/n sense last year when she sent those photos of us together. The woman was truly insane and I had no idea why she thought she had some claim on me.

I look over at my sleeping beauty and frown, we can never catch a break. I'd have to make another statement about this and it was irritating. None of this was anyone's business, it had nothing to do with my music career so I wasn't sure why everyone felt the need for me to explain things. I hated it. I sigh before leaning over and kissing the love of my life and then heading for the shower to clear my head a bit.


Once I'm clean and dressed I see that y/n is gone and I hear voices and laughter filling the house. It makes me smile as I head straight for the kitchen, I can smell y/n's cooking. Luckily my Eomma went home last night or she'd kick both of our butts, me for not getting up and trying to cook and y/n for getting up and cooking when she should be resting.

"Morning appa"

I lean down and kiss my cub up before taking a seat next to her. Y/n smiles over at me before focusing back on the food, Yoongi is already in the living room with coffee as well as namjoon. Jungkook and Jin are in the kitchen with y/n helping her with the food. I'm assuming Jimin and Hoseok are still asleep in one of the guest rooms.

"Appa guess what"

I smile over at Taerin, her sleepy eyes are still sparkling as she pets Yeontan who just so happens to be sitting next to her on the chair. "What is it baby bear" she yawns then smiles up at me "My school is having an art show next month and my teacher told me I get to put three artworks in the show!" I gasp and she giggles "wow I'm so proud of my little artist, did you tell your eomma? She's going to be so proud of you"

"She told me this morning, eat up you to"

I smile as y/n places our food down in front of us and gives us both a kiss. Everyone seemed calm so maybe they didn't see the leaked photos? "Thank you my love" y/n smiles and then calls for Namjoon and Yoongi to come eat.

"Guess I have to go wake up Jimin and Hoseok" Jin mumbles "it's okay Seokjinnie go eat I'll go wake them up" I chuckle as I see my Hyungs ears turn red as y/n pushes him towards the table and disappears down the hall.

"What's the matter hyung"

Jungkook teases as they push each other slightly I laugh a little and watch as everyone starts to dig in. "You doing okay Taehyungie?" I look over at Namjoon and nod "Just checking, were suppose to have a meeting later so let us know how you wanna handle it. Well support you either way" I nod again and stuff my cheeks, so they did see the photos.

A sleepy Jimin and Hoseok join us as y/n makes them both a plate. Everyone says thank you and quietly eats "why aren't you eating?" I ask seeing y/n starting to clean up the kitchen a bit. She smiles "I'm not hungry love" I sigh and get up from the table to go help her "You need to eat and you shouldn't be doing all this" y/n only laughs as she spins around in my arms. I can hear Taerin telling the guys about her news and I smile back down at my girl.

"I can cook and clean it's not that big a deal Tae, plus I need to do things like this so I don't overthink everything else"

I sigh and lean down to kiss my baby boy "Your Eomma doesn't listen does she" y/n slaps my hand away and laughs "You've known this for years and still you chose to be with me so deal with it" I smile and kiss her lips softly "and I'd choose you again every single time" she smiles and melts into me, her head rests against my chest as her arms hold me as best she could and I do the same.

"Everything is going to be okay my love we just gotta keep pushing"

She hmms against my chest and I kiss the top of her head "it's going to be like this all the time you know" she looks up at me and sighs "and you want to add more babies in the mix" I laugh at her playful face "of course I do, I want all the babies with you my love"

"You're crazy"

"Crazy in love with you? yes"


"It's bullshit"

I look over at an irritated yoongi "It's Taehyungah's private life he shouldn't have to explain himself all the time. The fans know he has a kid and they know he's with y/n things are going to happen so why does he have to keep making statements and explaining his private life?"

I was a bit surprised at how irritated all my members were and thankfully it wasn't towards me. They all agreed that I shouldn't have to put my personal business out there but I did get where the company was coming from too.

"They just want to be apart of it, you boys have been open with the fans from day one so to see all this happening right in front of them without really knowing is going to upset them"

I sigh I understood both sides but it still was frustrating that I was in this situation. I never put much thought into how our private lives would play out if we ever did get married and have kids or even date. A lot of us dated but we all had been careful, so Army wouldn't know what was going on and feel betrayed by us. But they had to know we were only human right?

"So is this how it's going to be when any of us decide to settle down? What if I meet someone and want to marry this person? Then what? Will I have to stream my wedding?"

The room is quite, a lot of us were surprised by seokjin's outburst. He's always so quiet when it comes to these things and is usually level headed but he had a point. We had never discussed this part of our lives, how would it work with our career?

"I'm not against letting the fans know what's going on. But it does cause a safety concern and I'm about to leave y/n and the kids to go on tour how am I going to feel like she's safe when I'm so far? We've already had safety issues."

I sigh feeling like I'm in a lose lose situation again. "I'll do what I have to at this point but I do ask that you give me a little time to talk to y/n. This is just as much her decision as it is mine" the members nod and agree with me and eventually everyone from the company agrees to.

I wasn't sure I wanted to go live again or even show y/n to the world. I mean she's out there now that the photos were posted but still I wanted to keep her all to myself. But maybe if the fans felt more involved they would understand more.

"We'll do whatever you want Taehyungah, even if you want us to go live with you and talk about stuff or help you make the statement whatever you want"

I nod but I still feel upset I needed to go be with my girls.

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