Chapter 2- Stress

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"Was that the mom?"

"That is who Taehyung wants to be with? Seriously?"

"Just wait until I find out where this bitch lives"

"Taehyung can do so much better!"

"Thank god Taerin looks like Taehyungie"

"Is she fat? Or is she pregnant?"

"I swear if this bitch is pregnant!"

"What? She doesn't know how to keep her legs closed?"

I jump when my phone goes off, The hate comments were consuming me slowly. "Hello?" I do my best to keep my voice steady but anxiety runs through me every time I pick up the phone lately or even answer my door.

After the innocent vlive to introduce Taerin to the world I unknowingly got introduced as well. It's safe to say that I was no longer in my safe little bubble, it took Taehyung's fans an hour. One hour to find out who I was and what I do for a living not to mention where I lived and worked.

I had fans show up at my job threatening me, go to my newest exhibit and try to ruin some of my pieces. The whole thing was a shit show and the latest thing was they got my phone number and kept calling and threatening me.

"What are you doing?"

I take a breath and smile hearing the familiar voice "What's with the new number?" I ask glancing at the unsaved number. "This is your new work line, save it. I finally got it changed after those girls kept calling nonstop" I frown at that and instinctively start to rub my little bump. I was getting weird pains lately, I'm just assuming it was from all the stress and was trying not to worry about it.

"Thanks Jae, I'm so sorry you have to put up with all this...I understand if you want to leave me"

He chuckles and I smile knowing he wouldn't do such a thing. "This will all die down, they're just upset cause you're living out their dreams" I know he's trying to comfort me but it doesn't make me feel any better. I hated that so many of his fans hated me, usually I wouldn't give a shit but for some reason it bothered me this time around.

Maybe because I was worried that my presence would mess up things for not only Taehyung but the whole group. I've always loved these boys and always wanted their happiness and success to come first.

"Well thanks for hanging in there, I'm coming in tomorrow so I can try and get some work done. So I'll see you in the morning bright and early, I'll even bring you coffee"

I can hear him chuckling "okay see you Tomorrow babe" with that I hang up and get to my feet. Instantly feeling pain in my lower abdomen, I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself. Maybe I should go to the doctor just to be on the safe side.

"Eomma! I'm home!!"

Taerin comes running in and clings to my side "Bub what are you doing here? You're suppose to stay with Appa" I squeeze her into my side as best I could without bending to much. Taehyung comes strolling in and I have to remind myself to breath. "I thought we agreed she'd stay with you guys until things settle down" he ignores me and stares me down as he closes the distance between us.

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