Chapter 22- Comfort

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Chapter 22

After a few days in the hospital we were finally home with minguk, he was a very healthy and happy baby. The nurses were all sad to see him go, apparently he had that effect like his father. Everyone simply adored him much like they do Taerin, they all just had a special charm about them.

Taehyung posted a picture of Minguk's hand holding onto his to let army know that our baby boy had arrived safely. I was a bit surprised that he wanted to share so soon but I think he was more so excited to show off our son. He had been taking videos and photos of him and taerin nonstop.

"Thank you so much Eomma"

I say giving her a hug, she and mr. Kim stayed here with Taerin and Mrs. Kim took it upon herself to meal prep for us so we wouldn't have to worry about cooking for a few days. I was grateful for that, this time around was so different then when I had Taerin.

I was completely alone the first time, even when I got out of the hospital I had to stay in a hotel for a while cause I didn't have a place of my own anymore. The struggle was real back then and I felt like I didn't get to enjoy a lot of it.

So to have so many around and helping us this time around was overwhelming in the best way. I still felt incredibly emotional these days and I hated it, but it can't be helped.

"This is rj, he's mine but if you want one I'm sure Seokjinnie will get you one. This is Tani, he was appas puppy but he's ours now he loves me mostest though just don't tell appa and look these are my drawings of you I'm an artist like Eomma"

I smile over at Taerin, minguk is happily watching and listening to her rant on about all her stuff. I was so happy she loved being a big sister I feared that once he was actually here she'd be jealous a little but thankfully she loves him just as much as she did when he was in my belly.

She's actually been quiet helpful too so that was a nice surprise. I lean over and kiss the top of her head before sitting down slowly, I was still a bit uncomfortable but nothing too bad.

"We will have to frame those"

I smile looking at her drawings of her brother, her eyes sparkle as she bounces over to me. "Eomma, it's okay that it's not just us anymore. I like having it be me you Appa and Mingukie forever and ever oh and tani"

I smile and kiss her nose "I'm happy too but you'll still always be my girl okay?" She smiles and nods before turning back to her brother who just so happened to fall asleep while getting a quick break from his talkative sister. He was already content with all the noise in the house thankfully.


Later that evening the boys came over as well as Taehyung's sister and new boyfriend. We haven't officially met him and honestly we don't know very much about the man just that she was happy.

So when she came walking in with a familiar face to say we both were surprised was an understatement. "How on earth did that happen?" I mumble over towards Jae, he chuckles and glances over at Eonjin.

"Well one thanks for introducing us, I thought she was gorgeous but didn't think she'd actually give me a chance she's way out of my league but I ran into her at that cafe by your old apartment and decided to take my chances and she said yes"

I laugh and glance over at Taehyung he seemed annoyed about the whole thing but I found it amusing.

"Taehyung let her hold him you get him for the rest of your life"

He pouts at my words but hands Minguk over to Eonjin, she mouths a thank you towards me before kissing our chubby cheeked boy up. You can visibly see how in love everyone was with the sweet boy as soon as they held him.

"Well I'm happy for you both, and you got the approval of Mr and Mrs. Kim so I say your doing good"

Jae laughs lightly and glances over at Taehyung "yeah just need to win over that one" I shake my head as I catch Taehyung glaring over at Jae. "He'll come around he's just... protective"

"Yeah hopefully, I miss you and Rin though. Sorry I haven't been around much but I figured you had your hands fully with everything going on anyways"

I nod glancing around the full living and dinning space, it felt homey with all my loved ones in one space. I never thought I'd have a big family like this and seeing how happy Taerin was because of it made me emotional.

"We miss you too but I'm happy you have Eonjin, you better continue making her happy" Jae nods and kisses my cheek before going over to his girlfriend.

As everyone starts to eat dinner I take this moment to slip away with minguk, I sit in his nursery with him and take a breath. He quickly latches, the boy loved to eat and had no problem latching witch made me happy cause Taerin had issues. I smile down at the hungry boy and feel eyes on me.

"Why aren't you eating with everyone else?"

I glance up and see Taehyung standing in the doorway, he looked so sexy. His dark wavy hair was a mess and his sweats hung loosely as his black tshirt clung to his broad build. He smiles at me crossing his arms over his chest making his chest muscles pop more.

I thought the pregnancy caused my hormones to run wild but it turns out it's just him. He was unbearably sexy and I couldn't get enough of him. Though he'd have to wait a while before we could physically do anything but that didn't mean we couldn't tease each other.

"Just wanted to make sure you both were okay"

I smile glancing back down at our boy, his eyes are shut as he continues to eat. "We're fine Mr. Kim, you should be eating with the family though" he walks over and lifts my chin so I'd look at him.

The playful smile on his lips makes my stomach swirl, he leans down and kisses my lips softly and I melt. How was it possible to be this in love with someone?

"I'll eat when you do Mrs. Kim"

I frown when he pulls away making him chuckle as he sits on the foot stool in front of me "Speaking of...when did you want to have the wedding my love?" I smile looking at his soft brown eyes

"I'd marry you right now if I could, so it's up to you honey" his eyes sparkle at that "okay let's just go get married right now"

I laugh lightly and look down at minguk "You're mother would kill us, so would taerin. You know they want a big wedding to enjoy"

He smiles and brushes Mingukies cheek "Yeah I know, but maybe we should start thinking about it my love, I want you to be mine" I smile "I'm already yours Taehyung"

"You know what I mean my love"

I nod as minguk slowly falls asleep, his mouth slightly open and Taehyung chuckles. "I know my handsome husband" he smirks at that "Let's pick a date then and we can start planning"

"June 11th"

I smile knowing the date and nod my head "Sounds perfect"


Only a few chapters left
And we will have to say goodbye
To the Kim's 🥲

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