Chapter 26 - Boop

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Illumi's Pov:

Hisoka has his hands on my waist, I have my eyes closed while he holds me. His hands are so soft and gentle. He picks me up and takes me over to open bleachers. He sits and puts me on his lap. I put my arms around his neck, and put my forhead on his. I pull one of my hands off his neck and touch his nose "boop." He smiles and does the same. I cuddle against him and kiss him. 

A minute later we hear someone tapping a mic to get everyones attention. Over the pa we hear someone ask everyone to gather in the gym. Once everyone is here a lady on the stage says "There is a surprise we hadn't told anyone about. There will be a king and queen of this dance!" Everyone starts whispering about who should be the king and queen. Hisoka says "We should nominate Killua and Alluka" I smile and say "That'd be hilarious, lets do it" We go up, nominate them and go back. 

A couple minutes later all nominees are in and the lady says "Nominees are: Leorio and Kurapika! Machi and Shizuku! Alluka and Killua! And our last nominees are..." Me and Hisoka are laughing at Alluka and Killua's faces, they look so shocked, Killua is blaming Gon and Alluka is blaming Killua. Its hilarious. We look back at the woman on the stage, shes opening an envelope, then turns the mic back on. "Illumi and Hisoka!" I gasp, who nominated us? He looks shocked too "Did you?" we both ask at the same time "No!" we also say at the same time. "Cast your votes now! You have 7 minutes!" the lady turns her mic off and moves off the stage.

Me and Hisoka vote for Alluka and Killua and go back. We wait in our spot for the rest of the 7 minutes. "Ok! All votes are in and counted! The King and Queen are.....Hisoka Morrow and Illumi Zoldyck!" Everyone cheers and turns to look at us. Hisoka smirks and whispers "your the queen" I whisper back "Shut the hell up" He laughs and picks me up. He carries me onto the stage and sets me down. Everyone cheers when the lady sets a crown on each of our heads. "The two kings will now dance together!" The lady anounces. The cheers hurts my head and we're way too close to the speakers.

We go into the middle of the dance floor and slow dance. The whole 3 minute we danced together Hisoka's phone was blowing up. When we finished dancing he put his hands on my shoulders and said "I need to make a call, I'll be right back" He runs into the hallway and leaves me behind with all these people surrounding me, and congratulating me. Its so loud I want to scream. My vision starts to blur. My mind goes fuzzy. I push out of the crowd, throw my heels on the floor and run.

I don't know where I'm going but I keep running. I'm starved, I still haven't eaten except 2 bites of food on my date with Hisoka. My bare feet hurt running down the road but now I don't have those heels slowing me down. I start to lose energy, and start to feel sick to my stomach. I I collapse onto the floor, my body weak, and everything goes dark.

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