Chapter 25 - Fairy lights

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Killua's Pov:

It's an hour before the dance and Gon is getting ready. I'm already in my suit, and ready, but for some reason he takes forever to do his hair. All I can think about is when Hisoka was on top of Illumi. Illumi didn't panic, but hes not ready. I don't care what he says, I lived with him for my whole life, and I've taken care of him this whole year when he became depressed. I like Hisoka, and I trust him with my brother, but I know he won't listen to what I say. Illumi will say hes ready and Hisoka will believe him. And I won't be there to stop it.

Gon comes out and says "Ready" Oh my god. "You look adorable" I say and kiss him. He pulls away and says "I can tell your worried about your brother" Damn it. "its gonna be alright, ok?" I smile slightly and whisper "Ok"

(time skip) 

Alluka's Pov: 

Hisoka rented a limmo to take us to the dance. I've never been in a limmo before. "So fancyyy" I say. Illumi smiles and looks out the window. He looks like hes thinking hard, so does Killua. I wonder whats on there minds. I take a picture of Illumi looking out the window. He looks so mesmerised, it makes a great picture. 

When we arrive I see Himari in a suit. She looks so beautiful. I'm in a short, light pink dress, and silver heels to match my silver ring.  "Wow Alluka, you look amazing" I smile and say "So do you Himari" Her eyes sparkle and she holds her hand ou. "May i?" I put my hand in hers and say "You may"

Illumi's Pov: 

Seeing Alluka with Himari made me smile, Alluka looked so happy with her. Hisoka takes my hand, I have his ring on, my blue dress and my hair is braided the same way. Hisoka has his same suit on, only he has his hair down this time. He holds my hand and says "Lets goo~" Killua and Gon follow us into the school. 

The whole school is lit by fairy lights, its beautiful. As soon as we walk into the gym (which is the main building for the dance) everyone starts cheering. Hisoka can tell I'm shocked by this, so he hugs me and says "its alright, come on now!~" 

Gon's Pov:

This won't be as much fun with Killua worrying about Illumi the whole time, "Killua, its ok, Hisoka is gonna protect him ok?" He nods but hes not convinced. I take his hand pull him into the middle of the dance floor. A slow song comes on and I put one hand on his shoulder, and the other one in his. He puts his free hand on my side and dances with me.

He puts his head on my shoulder and whispers "Thank you Gon" I pull him tighter to me, and continue to dance. "I love you Killua, no matter what"

Hisoka's Pov:

I pull Illumi over to a beautiful spot with fairy lights and candles. I love the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at them. "You look so beautiful~" I say. "Oh really~" He closes his eyes and smiles. "Mm-hm~" I lean in and kiss him. His lips are so soft and hes so gentle. His hands cup my face and I put mine around his neck. 

He pushes into me, and I push back. He pulls my hair and I try my hardest not to moan, I feel myself get hard though. I push it into Illumi so he can feel what he did to me. I move my hand up and pull his braids out so his hair falls into my face. It blocks us so anyone who looks over couldn't see us. I love his hair, its so soft and long, its like a curtain. He pulls away, his eyes still closed, smiling. He turns around, so I'm standing behind him. I put my hands on his waist and pull him into me. 

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