Luke Hemmings imagine

Start from the beginning


"Awwh, Luke come on! Pleaseeeeee!"

"No, you nearly tortured Michael tryna get him to tell you!"

"I wouldn't call hiding all his game consoles torture......."

"Well he did, I found it funny...till I heard you hid FIFA along with it..."

"Well, Ashton I didn't seem to mind I hid FIFA."

"Y/N, that's because Ashton is a strange man that doesn't like FIFA for some bizarre reason we don't even know! You'd think after all these years we'd figure out why.......we still judge him."

"Anyway!! Please tell me, I gave FIFA and his game consoles back!"

"Babe, all I'm saying is that we're gonna go down memory lane.....okay babe?"

"Ooooo a trip down memory lane, ey? How so?"

"Ahhhhhh, I see what you're doing babe, nope. That's all I'm giving you babe."

You pulled into a familiar road as Luke continued driving, while you tried to figure out where Luke was taking you.
He must've noticed you staring out the window because he reached into the back and pulled over one of his flannels laughing, "Put this over you, I don't want you looking."

You looked from the flannel to Luke laughing, "You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking?"

"Come on babe, I don't want you looking this is all a surprise! When we get there then you can take it off. Look! I mean, I even brought your favourite flannel I have that I know you love! Pleaseeeeee."

You sigh and take the flannel from Luke, putting it over you so you could no longer see.

You mumble, "I swear to god, if you fuck my hair when I take this off, you're dead."

Luke chuckles, "Either way, you'll still look beautiful as always."

"You have to say that, you're my boyfriend."

After a few minutes, the car pulled to a stop and the engine turned off.
You heard Luke say, "Right."

You reply, "Can I take this off now?"

"Yup, go ahead babe."

You pull off Luke's flannel, careful not to mess up your hair.
You quickly turn to look out the window, trying to figure out where you were.

Your expression turned blank when you saw the 'Norwest Christian College' sign in front of the big building.

You asked puzzled, "Umm, Luke.......why the hell are we here?? I thought the day we both left school we was hoping to never return.....?"

Luke laughed as he leant over giving you a soft kiss on your cheek as me then smiled, "Trust me, we are. But like I said, we're gonna take a trip down memory lane."

You both got out of the car and saw Luke take a big basket out of the boot, making you give him a puzzled look, questioning what was in the basket.

He grins, "For later, kay babe? Come on then."

He held out his hand, which you gladly took as you both walked into the school building.

As Luke opened the door for you both, you whispered, "Luke, it's the middle of the night.... We're gonna get in so much trouble! We're practically breaking into the school!"

Luke laughed loudly, his laugh echoing through the empty halls which was kinda creepy.
He replied, "Babe, relax. We won't get in trouble, my mum called the school and explained everything, so the caretaker left the school open for us."

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️Where stories live. Discover now